Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mr. Red Ears - On Gestapo Gonzalez

The following is translated into standard English by Dr.Rayetta Pistrum. Hmmm. This is not family style so only big strong men should read this.

Crumby! Give Ray the camera. It's Ray's turn to use the camera. Jeez Louise!

Yes, we do have a candy-ass fascist as attorney general of US. That particular candy-ass fascist should never have gotten that job. But hey, look who gave him that job. So all that makes sense. Under the Kinglet, candy-ass fascist attorney generals make sense.

Anyhow, all this Gestapo Gonzalez business is exactly why Druids do not give the Democrats any money. If we gave them money, they would fritter it away. Look, dumbass democrats. Look at the money trail. If you want to gut these Republican Mammonites look at the money trail in the Justice Department. If you follow the money trail, instead of the bullshit trail, the Druids might give ye a dollar or two.


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