Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Surprise!

Yepper. Some new technology arrived at the CB today. I had to go to the Post Office and pick it up. Nobody was here to answer the door when it was delivered. Only Red and Raymone were home. Well, Lomo was here too, but he was brachiating in the pecan orchard so he couldn't answer the door. Red and Raymone never answer the door. Red will shoot somebody maybe if he has to answer the door.

By accident, I was the one who found the message from the post office announcing a delivery attempt gone awry. Off I sped to pick up the package. Wait a minute. This packet comes all the way from Shanghai, China. Yet whoever printed Crumby's name on the package prints just like Crumby. Crumby must have a Chinese twin. But never mind that.

I opened the package and it contained a beautiful precision instrument, a macro focusing rail, no less. Nobody told we had this coming. Ha!

Also, I shall need to update the rain output again, anon. The rain is desultory since the last entry.


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