Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ray's Rainfall Update Plus Update

All righty then. I am fixing to fetch my delicious cinnamon bun. I got my delicious cinnamon bun last week too. But the rigors of airplane travel must have messed me up because I totally forgot to mention how delicious that particular cinnamon bun was last week. I also forgot to mention that due to airplane rides, I missed out on one delicious cinnamon bun.

My bosom companion, Crumby, missed both those airplane rides. We had to prime Crumby for those trips with ear and nerve tonic. So by the time we got Crumby on board for those trips, he was among the ambulatory yet semi-conscious. Plus he had to wear Earplanes. Those devices are comical. They are earplugs with handles. The little handles stick out fairly far, thus resembling tiny antennae.

Yet somehow, Crumby wound up in First Class for the outbound flight. Everybody else was stuck in coach, but Crumby was up front, ensconced in a big chair, drugged, with antennae sticking out of his ears. There's no telling how many libations Crumby guzzled down on the outbound. But there's also no way to determine that, since his nerve tonic bottle was also empty when we finally sat down.

Anyway, Crumby, up in First Class, with professionals waiting on him, spared us the aggravation of having to manage him on an airplane, for Goddess Sakes. Ha! I can just imagine that.

Mr. Ovate, could you please close your window?


Mr. Ovate, the other passengers are trying to sleep. Could you please close your window?

What? My companions back in coach have drugged me. Plus Rayetta has stuck these cruel devices in my ears for my own good. You shall have to shout in order to communicate with me. Nevertheless if you are offering to fetch me a Dolmen or two, I am agreeable to a few of those soothing libations. Where's the Comfort Station?


The rain that indeed accumulated in the gauge indicates thus: 37.25" + 0.50" = 37.75" for Day 218, DY 1, Goddess All Righty!

Plus Update

Great Goddess plus three fifties of red headed mermaids in a goldfish bowl. Suddenly the rain smote us again. A veritable downpour has deluged the CB. Let's see if I can sum all this rain up. 37.75" + 2.40" = 40.15". Goddess All Righty!!!!


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