Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ray’s Thought for the Day - The Great Bicycle Race

Many, seeking relief from the tedium or crushing boredom of their daily lives, watch the Great Bicycle Race on TV. Me too. I am one of the many. Plus, Crumby and me have a red bicycle. Our bicycle has a bell, a basket and two flat tires. But now that we have the compressor up and running again, we may fix those tires. Then we shall pedal on down to the convenience store, maybe. The convenience store is where the basket comes in handy. Also, that basket can come in handy when a person, probably Crumby or me, espies a botanical element between here and the convenience store that needs to be relocated to the CB.

Having a bicycle, makes it easier to relate to the Great Bicycle Race. I can easily imagine myself coasting downhill through the Pyrenees at a fairly brisk pace. Then I can also imagine walking my bicycle up the hill. Mercy! Surely I shall find a nice shady spot on the top of this great hill. Let’s see. What is in the trusty basket? Hark! There’s my gallon water jug. But what’s that under the water jug? Do I espy some sort of baggy? Whatever is contained in that baggy?

Ha! I have made it all the way up this great hill, eventually. Now I shall relax and await the arrival of a snack or treat vendor.

Yepper. Riding a bicycle up a great hill is tedious, like a job. Do the Great Bicycle Race riders have inspirational speakers at the team meetings, assisting with the tedium? Picture that, Christ on a bicycle!
Yepper boys, despite leprosy, despite the terrible sagittal sectioning of my noggin, despite the sad loss of my entire family and all my friends to the homosexual lifestyle, despite my congenital absence of feet, I won the Great Bicycle Race. Thanks be to Jesus! And so can you! You just need to accept Jesus as you pedal along and Jesus shall whisk you up the uphill tedium in nothing flat.
Yet an alternative to Jesus is dope. Yea verily, the Great Bicycle Race riders need dope, all the dope they can handle. Whatever turns them on. Then, when each rider has plenty of dope, at last, we should be certain that the competition is fair with nobody cheating


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