Thursday, September 06, 2007

Crumby is Shocked, Twice!!

There I was, my noggin nestled upon the Ample Bosoms.

Crumby! Wake up! Something's beeping in the kitchen. You need to wake up and find what's beeping.

The time was 5:20 AM. Slowly, my noggin achieved the minimal consciousness required for beep searches. I knew I was ready when I began to consider potential beep search equipment and attire.

Long I searched around for the beep. Up and down the dusty hallways I went, searching for the beep. Out I went into the stygian darkness of the west pasture, searching for the beep. That beep sort of sounded like a truck backing up a long way off.

After awhile I could not find the beep or hear the beep anymore. But I kept up the search anyway, because I would never get any more rest until I found the beep.

On a beep search, the beep searcher needs to search everywhere. So I began to search systematically as opposed to spasmodically. There I was, performing one of my ablutions in the Boy's Comfort Station. Where shall I search for the beep next?, I thought, multi-taskingly. I know. I shall search the laboratory next.

So that is I how I discovered the source of the beep, searching the laboratory. Yep. The formerly trusty C 5060 WZ was busily turning itself on and off and beeping cheerfully. I was shocked. Its ciruitry was as depicted below, yet I had left the On/Off switch in the On position. So, for some reason known only unto itself, the C 5060 WZ decided to turn itself on and off, plus beep. Why did it wait until the pre dawn hours to commence its beeping? Why did it decide to wake everybody up?

Here's what I think? I think it wants to go to California. California is where all these cameras like to go. So it was beeping to tell me, Crumby, I need to go to California for a little all expenses vacation paid for by you. If you don't send me to California, you shall get no rest.

Dad gum gizmos. Truly, I am afflicted with out of control gizmos.


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