Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Today’s Science News Briefs

Abstracted from today’s daily are these twain gems: 1) If our little globe passes too close to a black hole, our globe’s ozone shall be bombarded into submission. Then with no ozone to protect US, we shall be sterilized. 2) I want to be a good steward of my land, but I can’t ignore the price of corn.

Of the twain science articles, the former, featuring the usual, we are all fixing to die, astronomical commentary, conjures a remote threat. The latter, 2), conjures a threat, that is far less remote. All that fertilizer running off into the Gulf of Mexico is creating a dead zone, where nothing can live.

So near, yet so far away. Fortunately, no Americanos actually dwell on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico where the oxygen poor dead zone is rapidly expanding, growing bigger, smothering all sea life, including our tunicate and/or echinoderm cousins. That’s why it is important that most Americanos are free to deny our long kinship with the tunicates and/or echinoderms. If we considered the tunicates and/or echinoderms, relatives, we might have to actually do something to save them from getting smothered.

Additionally, most Americanos are also free to deny the existence of the Dead Zone. Or, if there is a Dead Zone, it is not our fault. Or, if it our fault, Jesus will fix it, but only if it really needs fixing. After all, the Dead Zone may just be God’s will, if it really exists. Then too, there’s the price of corn.


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