Thursday, April 17, 2008

Crumby on Elite, Elitism, Elitist

Elite is a typewriter that spaces 10 characters per inch. Elitism is employing that typewriter for propaganda purposes. Elitist is the typist.

Once it became temporarily clear that I, young Crumby, was never going to amount to much, the responsible parties decided I could at least learn to type, maybe. That is how, eventually, I got up to 18 wpm with three errors and pulled down a D in typing class. D is the lowest grade you can get if you show up most of the time. But I passed. That’s how I got to be an elitist.

But then, along came word processors. Overnight, almost, the Elite got tossed into the Dumpster, where it belonged, along with the white out, carbon paper, and all the Elites associated lackeys or bootlickers.

These days the Elite is almost gone. Oh well. A few of them are still around, performing special tasks, maybe.

Then one day, also long ago, but not that long ago, I got really hot because I was working so hard in my cubicle at TxDOT. I was sweating in my air conditioned cubicle due to all the heat my labor was creating as a byproduct. Seat sweat puddled in my undears. Anon, I was badly chaffed.

I can’t stand it, I cried out. I am fixing to die in this cubicle from the heat. Can I have a fan, please? The responsible parties found me an old fan. But then I noticed my friendly fan had a sticky white powder or excrement all over the backs of the fan blades and clogging up the motor housing. What’s this?, I surmised. Then I knew what it was. White Out! Mercy! We have a Hazmat Emergency! Yes, that old fan must have belonged to an elitist or even several elitists to accumulate all that White Out.

Interestingly, our Mammonite ruling class overlords have a different take on the Elite and it is not a typewriter. Consider that our precious ruling class is a real elite. Yet they have somehow managed to pass themselves off as the salt of the earth. At the same time, they have managed to convince many that, for example, joining a labor union is elitist because union members look down on non-union wage slaves and call them names, like scab. Similarly, environmentalists are elitists because environmentalists look down on the average salt of the earth types who drive Cadillac pick up trucks.

If we turn the Mammonite propaganda upside down we discover that the Mammonite constituencies, real and imagined, look down on union members and environmentalists. Yes they do. They feel they are better than union members and environmentalists because rugged individualism in the work place is the Americano way of life and nature is evil.

The fact is, that the way the Mammonite ruling class uses elite, elitist and elitism, obscures who the elite is, them, but makes the rest of US feel like we are in an elite. For example, when a man and woman marry each other exclusively, they may feel like they are part and parcel of an elite, a company of one man, one woman married couples fully justified in looking down on polymorphists, polygamists, the general run of fornicators, sodomites, aged bachelors and old maids. I bet lots of them do, too, consider themselves superior.

Oh my. Or maybe those theoretically monogamist one man one woman couplets don’t feel that superior in general. Maybe they feel some other way. Maybe they feel like their way of life is not sufficiently in the elite to allow them to feel superior. I just don’t know about all of them for sure.

Here is another example. Many, perhaps a majority of Americanos, love this country on a purely emotional “gut” level. This love of country may lead to the feeling that this country is to be loved, right or wrong, no matter what. Naturally, those who have these feelings believe they are an elite because they have these feelings. And, these feelings justify, anything. That’s correct, anything, including every action, every thought, every sin in the book. These are the Feeler Firsts.

Outside this elite of feelers, the Feeler Firsts, are those who, in their deeds and actions, put facts and informed opinions ahead of their feelings. This is precisely the bunch the Feeler Firsts look down on and make sport of. Let’s call them the Facts and Informed Opinions Crowd.

Many in the Facts and Informed Opinions Crowd very much desire to be an elite themselves. But to do that they have to convince some of the Feeler Firsts to join up. Proceeding calmly and rationally they appeal to the Feeler Firsts noggins, explaining the inconsistencies of this or that. But, naturally The Facts and Opinions Crowd convert not a single Feeler First because those Feelers Firsts are armored in feelings. Rationality can not penetrate that armor. Plus, the dopey spokesperson for the Facts and Informed Opinions Crowd forgot to wear his flag lapel pin.

In summary, these days in the Homeland, feelings trump facts and informed opinions. So if you want to be in the virtual elite, as opposed to the actual elite, get yourself some gut feelings.


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