Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ray’s Rainfall Update or Alert, Day 111, DY 2

This is actually an alert. Later will come the actual update. For technical reasons, the actual update shall have to wait. But stay posted to this very spot. Anon, we shall have the all important update. All righty then!

Now my sister is fixing to contribute a practice Hymenoptera electropictid to the venue. Are you ready, Dr. Pistrum?

Ready Ray.

Ahem. I am Dr. Pistrum. As everyone knows, the Hymenoptera quiver at the sub-atomic level. The Hymenoptera, quivering at that diminutive level, is accomplish at or near light speed which is why the average photographer may have a hard time getting electropictoids of those Hymenopterans in focus.

Yes. Below that rigid exoskeleton, the non-rigid tissue is abuzz with activity and the hum of industry. All that Liliputian motion under the skin or exoskeleton is what causes the whole bee or wasp to appear to vibrate in your electropictoid. The same is true of ants, but to a lesser extent.

Nevertheless, I have always wanted a picture of a honey bee with an orange pollen sac visiting a bluebonnet. So here that is.


Wow! Rayetta has already finished up and departed. What is this? A memo. Uh oh. My sister has left me a memo marked private and confidential. But never mind that for the nonce.

For now it is time for the official all important rainfall update. The gauge collected 0.21". So now we are up to, 4.80" + 0.21" = 5.01" to date for DY 2. Pitiful!


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