Life After Brain Death
Once upon a time, long ago, I could explain the teleological suspension of the ethical to a group. Yes. I knew how photosynthesis works. I could easily do Algebra.
But now that I have bucked off the Demon Snuff, I am stupid as the average Republican. Buh-huh-huh. I find myself watching Governor Palin on the TV. Waaaaaaaaaaaah! What’s fixing to happen to us fat white people now? Duh! The terrorists, fascists, communists are fixing to get me. Yikes! Drill baby drill! Duh! Joe the Plumber is my friend? Buh-dee, buh-dee!
Yet rather than succumb to complete mental inactivity I have chosen to exercise what is left of my feeble intellect. Yes. I have been employing what wits are left to me in the necessarily low demand discipline, photo-journalism.
So here goes! Huh! OK!
So like one day I am going along and suddenly there are all these mofo like garbage cans that like suddenly appear on my route that I go along. Fuck me, dude, like naked !
See all those garbage cans? There are like thousands of those mother fucker garbage cans. Those garbage cans came in like big trucks to right here. See that big truck like mother fucker 18 wheeler in the picture I took, dude? Fuck me! Those are all like communist, mother fuckers, Mexicans maybe? Dude! Fuck me! Fuck all those garbage cans?
OK! Now look what may be happening here. Look! A bunch of those garbage cans is going off in a littler panel truck. Where are they headed? You don’t the fuck know. You ignorant piece of shit.
Here’s some more garbage cans that have not been disbursed yet. What about those big cardboard boxes? Are those full of garbage cans or Islamic fascists? What about Mexicans? Those Mexicans could be releasing more Mexicans. Yikes! Those Mexicans need to be imprisoned in Williamson County where they belong. OK!
But now that I have bucked off the Demon Snuff, I am stupid as the average Republican. Buh-huh-huh. I find myself watching Governor Palin on the TV. Waaaaaaaaaaaah! What’s fixing to happen to us fat white people now? Duh! The terrorists, fascists, communists are fixing to get me. Yikes! Drill baby drill! Duh! Joe the Plumber is my friend? Buh-dee, buh-dee!
Yet rather than succumb to complete mental inactivity I have chosen to exercise what is left of my feeble intellect. Yes. I have been employing what wits are left to me in the necessarily low demand discipline, photo-journalism.
So here goes! Huh! OK!

See all those garbage cans? There are like thousands of those mother fucker garbage cans. Those garbage cans came in like big trucks to right here. See that big truck like mother fucker 18 wheeler in the picture I took, dude? Fuck me! Those are all like communist, mother fuckers, Mexicans maybe? Dude! Fuck me! Fuck all those garbage cans?

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