Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Retard Vote Keeps the ROT, Red

I am very happy that Barack Obama is the president or kinglet elect. I wonder if he is contemplating all the kinglet like powers Kinglet Bush has managed to confer on the office. Will Barack Obama eschew all those powers? Probably not.

Anyway, for the nonce, I am very happy. A candidate that I voted for, won. However, almost everyone else I voted for, lost. Most of my candidates lost because, in the Republic of Tejas, retards are allowed to vote.

Yes. In the ROT, retards outnumber regular people about 2-1. Not only that, most of the retards actually vote. And, being retards, they always vote for the most ignorant and backward candidates or amendments on the ballot. That is why Senator Cornyn was easily reelected. The ‘tards love Senator Cornyn


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