Thursday, October 16, 2008

Is Senator McCain an Islamic Fascist?

No. Senator McCain lacks the ideology for Islamic Fascism. The fact is, Islamic Fascism is the cooky construct of goofy Republican intellectuals who can't do algebra. Besides, Senator McCain would be hard pressed to provide elementary facts about Islam, much less the imaginary phenomena, Islamic Fascism.

Senaotr McCain lacks the ideology for most anything. Senator McCain is essentially a non-ideological person. Yet, to become the next Kinglet, Senator McCain must pretend he is an ideologue of the Republican right. But all Senator McCain actually has in common with the Republican right is anti-intellectualism and a pre-disposition for obtaining trickle down.

That's right. Senator McCain is always first in line for the trickle down. That's why Senator McCain opposes spreading the wealth. Senator McCain wants to keep all the trickle down to himself. So when AT&T provides Senator McCain with free, exclusive phone service at one of Senator McCain's seasonal homes, Senator McCain says, All Righty Then!

Yes. Senator McCain is OK with the trickle down for Senator McCain. But for some reason, Senator McCain gets pissed when anyone else gets a little trickle down. What a mean piece he is. Senator McCain takes free cell phone service from AT&T but would, in niggardly fashion, keep the lights off at the Planetarium.

Oh mercy! The ruling class was really out of ideas when it dredged up Senator McCain as half the twain of the upcoming.

But putting Senator McCain aside for the nonce, how about those rulers. First they lose or steal all the money. Then they convince our dopey Kinglet and our dopey Congress to reimburse all the money they stole or lost. This is their last idea. Now they are completely out of ideas. Except that in Americano Land, where the stupid nearly always prevail, lately, the rulers may come up with some more swell ideas.


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