Wednesday, October 15, 2008

M 62

Beelzebubberriffic of DY 2 has been a really bad season. Many perished as mere seeds or eggs. Yes. Untold numbers perished. Only the irrigated prospered.

At last, Beelzebubberriffic is over. Relief, in the form of the succeeding season, Olwen White Track, plus a little rain, has arrived. Praise the Goddess!

But despite all this good news I was habitually fooling around, espying my personal copy of the Pocket Sky Atlas a while back, before the blessed rain came. Suddenly I chanced to discover Messier 62 on page 56. Egad!

Seems like I missed M 62 when I was espying heavenly bodies in Scorpius during the long Beelzebubberriffic summer that is past. Plus, Scorpius is almost gone for DY 2. Scorpius is almost out of sight, and therefore, out of mind. Dern it!

That is correct. One of my self-imposed tasks during Beelzebubberiffic was to espy all the Messier heavenly bodies in and around Scorpius. I thought, the only one I did not epsy was M 14. I purposefully skipped M 14 because I figured it would be hard to find and not worth the trouble when found. So I was startled by the sudden appearance of M 62 on page 56. I got to espy that one. Dern it!

Conditions for viewing M 62 from this location these days are poor. Antares and associates are low on the horizon just after sundown and head south early. Trees are in the way. The football fields across the street are lit up like Las Vegas. The moon, rising just after sundown is full. There are clouds and dew, and high humidity. Mercy!

Nevertheless. In order to espy Antares at all, I had to lug all the equipment as far north as I could get. That means I had to set up in a shady spot next to the grapes. The grapes blocked most of the football field light from going right into the ep and finder. But there was no help for the moonlight.

Intrepidly I triangulated, utilizing Antares and Eta Scorpii. Fuck me naked! I probably found M 62 on the second try. How about that!

Yes. M 62 appeared as an uncharacteristically ovoid gray smudge as opposed to the round gray smudge usually encountered on globulars at 33x in the Lomo. At 66x M 62 appeared as a larger ovoid smudge. Above that power, focusing was impossible due to the incredible light pollution.

Shit-a-rooney! Did I espy M 62, well? Course not. But I do get to check it off on my imaginary Messier checklist. Yet M 62 may be worth looking at twice. If the merciful White Goddess spares me that long, next Beelzebubberriffic, I shall espy M 62 twice. Oh well.

A while back I was in attendance at a The Nature Conservancy Parley (TNC)up at OU in Norman. That conference was probably the last conference the TNC held before the Republican Mammonites took over the TNC. That conference actually occurred many moons ago.

Anyway, one evening a bunch of the attendees were sitting out in the lobby when this big old fat white boy with a goatee starts hollering about this funny article he read in a newspaper. The article predicated the TU/OU football game. That article is a tradition in these general ignoramus parts. In that article a local wag from each school satirizes the other school.

So this big old fat white boy with a goatee starts carrying on about how funny the TU satire of OU is. I remember particularly the phrase, “inbred and corn fed”.

Uh. I am from southeastern Oklahoma. I was offended. Yet that big old fat white boy with the goatee was a progressive. He was the leader of the good guys at TNC. So I was told.

These guys that are fixing to take over TNC are way worse than this asshole. So I was told.

Shit-a-rooney! I talked some shit-a-rooney with him. But I should have kicked his chicken ass right there in the lobby. Another regret I need to make good on before the WG gets me. Mercy!

Yes. There is one Okie on the far left who does not appreciate inbred plus corn fed jokes. But Jeez Louise. What’s worse? Inbred plus corn fed jokes or fascism. Easy that, fascism is worse.

Mercy! Is the choice these days between inbred and corn fed jokes and fascism? Yepper!!!!

Goddess willing, I am fixing to vote for Senator Obama. I am fixing to vote for Senator Obama only because Senator McCain’s prospective votes are all coming from fascists. Plus, Senator McCain, is a fascist running dog. Senator McCain may not be a fascist, but his proclivity for the fascist way of life is obvious.

Would I vote for Senator Obama if I had to walk further than 100 cubits to vote? Easy that. No! I would not. Yet, if Senator Obama should declare, I shall, if elected, include Ralph Nader in my brain trust!, I would feel better about walking more than 100 cubits to vote for Senator Obama.


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