Spring has Sprung
Yepper. Spring has sprung. Now, there are about 30 days left of spring. After that, summer sets in. But meantime, these parts get to enjoy what has become a six-week annual growing season. That’s right, many of the weeds and bugs are hustling to get it over with before the great heat of summer sets in. Many are also caching supplies in anticipation of the long hot summer, hoping to survive.
Praise the Goddess! Over the last 30 days, the CB has received about 3.1" of precipitation. What a mercy all that rain is/was. All the thirsty little seedlings at the CB enjoyed all that rain immensely. The hand or cotyledon clapping was joyful.
Eve’s necklace (Sophora affinis) is hoping to survive another long hot summer. Interestingly, Sophora affinis likes to conceal its flowers amid its foilage. Why does Sophora affinis do that?
Well. In the old days, camels used to afflict Sophora affinis. That’s correct. Those camels would strip the leaves off the poor little trees. But then people came along and ate all the camels. However, Sophora affinis was already in the habit of hiding its flowers in the foliage. So Sophora affinis continued to do all that even after all the camels were eaten up.
These days, flowers concealed in the vegetation, is considered counter adaptive, especially in the nursery trade. That’s why Sophora affinis is fairly unpopular when compared to the much better known and evergreen Sophora secundiflora.
Praise the Goddess! Over the last 30 days, the CB has received about 3.1" of precipitation. What a mercy all that rain is/was. All the thirsty little seedlings at the CB enjoyed all that rain immensely. The hand or cotyledon clapping was joyful.

Well. In the old days, camels used to afflict Sophora affinis. That’s correct. Those camels would strip the leaves off the poor little trees. But then people came along and ate all the camels. However, Sophora affinis was already in the habit of hiding its flowers in the foliage. So Sophora affinis continued to do all that even after all the camels were eaten up.
These days, flowers concealed in the vegetation, is considered counter adaptive, especially in the nursery trade. That’s why Sophora affinis is fairly unpopular when compared to the much better known and evergreen Sophora secundiflora.
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