Rayetta's Butterflies: 77 for the CB BDS
Hi! It’s me, Rayetta. Yesterday, a butterfly species (I think this make species #77 photographically documented ) new to the CB Butterfly Documentation System was documented. The new one happens to be the mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa).
As can be seen from the attached, the CB mourning cloak is a small individual battered by the vicissitudes of life. Plus, its wing margins have turned white from all the trouble it’s seen. Here it is enjoying a nice meal of pecan sap. I have chosen this picture, not the best, overexposed, because of the Alaus sp., also feeding on the sap.
An interesting characteristic of the mourning cloak is its Accipiter-like flight.
An interesting characteristic of the mourning cloak is its Accipiter-like flight.
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