Friday, September 18, 2009

Do you, drink your own piss?

Gandhi did. So does Juan Manuel Marquez. Hmm. If I had to choose between two men that I was fixing to have to fight, and one of those men drinks his own piss, I would pick on the other one.

So what tops drinking your own piss? I know, eating your own shit. Yet I was unfamiliar with any actual person who eats their own shit except babies. So I needed to find out, is there somebody or some group that makes a big deal out of eating their own shit? But before I could do that, I needed to espy the correct term for shit eaters which I couldn’t remember. I used to know that word, but I forgot. Stupid really since I remembered coprolite. Yes. Here it is. The correct mixed company term for shit eater is coprophagous. I found coprophagous on an internet site by employing the phrase, feeds on excrement. That site provides an interesting discussion relating to shit eating insects. However, internet search failures included the phrase, shit eater. No. Shit eater didn’t do the trick. Neither did feeds on feces. Yet, feeds on feces produced numerous iterations of “Texas mom puts feces in feeding tube.” Makes a feller proud to dwell in Tejas.

OK. What did I find out? Well, coprophagous humans are either crazy or sexually deviant. I was very disappointed with that result. You see, I was hoping for a tribe of humans somewhere, like maybe in Iceland or Utah, who survived only because they ate their own shit. Or, I was hoping for an important religious figure or secular saint type who ate his or her own shit.

Because my internet search totally let me down, I have decided to contract with Karl the Tracker Druid. If anyone can track down a society of copraphagous humans or a shit eating prophet or two, that anyone is Karl.

Why heck. I shall just call Karl up at this very nonce. What’s Karl’s number? Here it is.

Karl, this is Crumby.

No. I am not doing OK. That’s why I called you Karl. I am disappointed that there are no known coprophagous societies, saints, prophets or deities. So I need you to track down somewhat of that sort that is coprophagous.

You are too busy! Besides I still owe you from last time! Dern it Karl!

Shit! That dang Karl has hung up on me. Now what am I fixing to do. I know, dry land termites.


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