This, as everyone knows, is DY 3, or 2009 of the Julian. Long the Druids have pondered the question, What is DY 3 all about? Now we have decided. DY 3 is all about the dry land termites, also known as Mexican termites, (
Termitanus mexicanus).

Yes. The sudden appearance of these alien Mexican or dry land termites all over these parts has sparked the interest of many. Many do wonder about these termites. Like: What do these termites want? Are these friendly termites? What if these termites are yet another sinister alien threat? Are these termites fixing to eat my house? Will these termites eventually get in the trees?

Mercy! Just about everywhere I go these days I encounter like maybe a tousand or two tousand miles of termite tubes. At first I thought, What are those dern tubes? But then I broke one open. What did I find in that tube? Easy money, a dang dry land or Mexican termite. There must be billions of dry land termites within just a few blocks of the CB. Jillions! But so far those termites have not constructed any tubes at the CB proper. Or maybe they have and we don’t know it. Ooooo!
Little is actually known about these particular termites for sure. However, the vast hoards of these termites may be in inverse proportion to corresponding hoards of Mexican fire ants. Like some suggest that the Mexican fire ants are at low ebb due to the paucity of rain recently. Thus, the dry conditions have allowed the dry land termites to construct a series of tubes all the way from Mexico. Did the wall hinder them? Course not.
Will the balance of nature ever be restored to these parts again, ever? That’s unlikely. Once you get on a slippery slope, inertia takes over
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