
Trouble was, at 7AM it’s darkish. So the trusty C5060 WZ had to go on macro mode, hand held at 1/30. Mysteriously, the flash never seems to work in macro mode. Still one may espy why Crumby was deeply disturbed by the hideous visage(s) presented by this particular spider. Almost, Crumby went back in the CB, fearing this spider might portend evil. But Crumby overcame his fear and went ahead on to work anyway. However, if Crumby had not just bought an expensive used camera lens, Crumby would have stayed home.
Yes. Crumby needed to earn or otherwise garner some payday for that lens. Otherwise Crumby would have used this spider for an excuse to stay home and work on his bee pictures. Yes. A particular bee is driving Crumby mad. Stark raving mad.
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