Shall Crumby Survive to Winter Solstice, Maybe , Alas
OK. As everyone knows, the Vitamin D shortage in these parts may be acute or even obtuse. What if the shortage is obtuse? What then?
Mercy! Afflicted with an obtuse Vitamin D shortage, Crumby’s spirit dims. Though possibly, the brief stint of sunshine yesterday shall keep Crumby going until Winter Solstice maybe. Yes Ogma shone feebly yesterday providing Crumby with a desperately needed dose of the D. Then, temporarily replete with vitamins, Crumby’s brain began to function, sluggishly.
I know, Crumby figured, I can get even more Vitamin D tonight. Yes. I shall do some nude star bathing. Nude star bathing is just the ticket for an additional Vitamin D boost.
Alas, Crumby figured wrong. As the stygian darkness enveloped these parts, the cruel clouds imposed between naked Crumby and the Vitamin D laced starlight. Mercy!
Nevertheless, the feeble sunshine yesterday got Crumby’s V D level up a little. So Crumby was barely able to do a little work on his Hymenoptera project. The work, for which the meager V D dose scarcely sufficed, involved finding a photograph of a probable potter wasp pot. Note that this pot is constructed upon the leaf of a thistle about two feet off the ground. How about that!
Sadly, Crumby knows nothing regarding the actual potter because when Crumby took the picture, he was not aware of potter wasps. So Crumby never looked around for the potter. Subsequently, Crumby has learned that members of the genus Eumenes construct similar pots. Three species of Eumenes occur at the CB. So this pot may belong to one of those species. However, some of the other Eumeninae that construct aerial mud pots and also are documented to occur at the CB may be implicated. Who knows?
Mercy! Afflicted with an obtuse Vitamin D shortage, Crumby’s spirit dims. Though possibly, the brief stint of sunshine yesterday shall keep Crumby going until Winter Solstice maybe. Yes Ogma shone feebly yesterday providing Crumby with a desperately needed dose of the D. Then, temporarily replete with vitamins, Crumby’s brain began to function, sluggishly.
I know, Crumby figured, I can get even more Vitamin D tonight. Yes. I shall do some nude star bathing. Nude star bathing is just the ticket for an additional Vitamin D boost.
Alas, Crumby figured wrong. As the stygian darkness enveloped these parts, the cruel clouds imposed between naked Crumby and the Vitamin D laced starlight. Mercy!

Sadly, Crumby knows nothing regarding the actual potter because when Crumby took the picture, he was not aware of potter wasps. So Crumby never looked around for the potter. Subsequently, Crumby has learned that members of the genus Eumenes construct similar pots. Three species of Eumenes occur at the CB. So this pot may belong to one of those species. However, some of the other Eumeninae that construct aerial mud pots and also are documented to occur at the CB may be implicated. Who knows?
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