Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sprechin Sie Deutsch, Dumbkopf!!!?

Just for example, tonight, Crumby is expected to attend a gigantic Baby Demon Mammon supper or dinner. Mammonites reference this activity as a dinner while a tiny minority in these parts cling to calling it a supper. Mercy!

Anyway, Crumby is sending his friendly spirit, Zomby Crumby, instead of attending in person. That's because Zomby Crumby only speaks German. The fact is, Zomby Crumby only speaks German to non German speakers. Sprechin Sie Deutsch, Dumbkopf!!!?

You may see, boys and girls, that later in life some may no longer have much to say in public that the public may want to know about. And what those elderly individuals do have to say is universally embarrassing. What does Crumby mean by the term, universally embarrassing? Well, universally embarrassing commentary makes insects ashamed. Those insects, like even bugs, are like ashamed of millions of years of evolution just because of what an old person similar to Crumby may enunciate in public. Those bugs, having innocently listened to an old person like Crumby, may wish they were dead!

Yes. Dead! Dead and gone from this woeful, tiny, miserable planet. Anon, Crumby is fixing to head out. But actually, only Zomby Crumby, not actual Crumby, is heading out. That's right. In fact, Zomby Crumby is fixing to head out to a Baby Demon Mammon supper tonight. Oh my Goddess!

OK Zomby Crumby. Remember Zomby Crumby, you shall only speak when spoken to, and you shall only reply in German and then only to non-German speakers. Do you understand all that Zomby Crumby? Ya! Also, you shall need to bring me back a nice Baby Demon Mammon supper. But you can never trust that the responsible parties shall provide doggy or Crumby bags. Therefore, you shall have to take along one of these grocery bags. Yes. Instead of wolfing up all the food yourself, Zomby Crumby, you shall save some of all the delicious items for your master, actual Crumby. That way, once you get home, actual Crumby may also enjoy a Baby Demon Mammon supper.


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