Saturday, January 09, 2010

Mammy, Shall the Frostweed Ice Ribbons Ever Melt Anymore, Alas?

Brrr! These parts never got above freezing long enough to melt the verb virgin ice ribbons. Yet Crumby fails to ascertain from the photographs whether more ice got extruded between photos or not. Crumby believes a little bit of the ice ribbons may have melted. But then the verb virgin extruded more ice to make up for the melted ice. But all that’s just a belief, not a fact of life.

The ice ribbons may melt today entirely. But maybe not. At this very nonce, 8:53, the temperature outside is low, low, low for these parts. Crumby does not know precisely how cold, but way too cold for exposed upper buttock cheeks. Crumby actually verified that while out taking the picture.

If the ice ribbons melt today, there may be new ice ribbons tomorrow. That would make at least six days of entirely new ice ribbons on the sample verb virgin. Is that a record?

Crumby has been making half-hearted or half-cocked attempts to determine the truth of the ice ribbons matter. Seems like somebody would have plenty of historical commentary on verb virgin ice ribbons. But so far, Crumby has only discovered plenty of photos of discrete ice ribbon events plus this commentary. Paraphrasing from Brit’s big botany book, When the temperatures first reach freezing the stem splits and the extruded sap freezes. Well. Crumby already knew that. Duh!

Mammy! Seems like underwear, known at the CB as undears, are in the news everywhere. Goodness Mammy! At the CB we wrapped our pipes in undears. But elsewhere, the undear news is slightly more troubling. OK. At the CB the undears used to wrap the pipes are briefs. The brands are Hain’s and Fruit of the Loom. Those are the two brands that the average customer may purchase in 12 for a dollar economy packs at the nearby discount store, possibly Mall Wart.

Naturally, we would like to know what brand of undears the would be terrorist wore. Also, were those undears briefs, or were those undears, boxers. What happened to those undears? Were they taken away as evidence? If so, did the would be terrorist get a replacement pair? If he got a replacement pair, what kind and brand did he get?

See Mammy! No wonder everyone hates the mainstream media. The mainstream media, whether liberal or conservative, never reports any actual facts that are of interest to average people like Crumby. Instead they just spout stupid beliefs or opinions all day and all night.

Like for example, did Fruit of the Loom, hypothetically, supply the would be terrorist with undears? Is there a potential link there, Fox News, that you would like to elaborate on? But of course not, Mammy. Fox would never expose a potential link between a would be terrorist and a big Americano corporation or potential sponsor or advertiser like Fruit of the Loom. Course they wouldn’t!


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