Monday, January 13, 2014

Hobby Rules under Terminal Consumerism

Right off, Crumby should restate that one of his sak collecting rules is/was, that he would collect knives for tools (tool-centric collecting).  Then another rule is/was, he would collect only used knives.  So what does Crumby do under Terminal Consumerism?  He purchases brand new saks, and one of those saks, the Foxy, was purchased like almost totally for the cool scales featuring a red fox on an ecotone background.  Sadly, that Crumby would so easily flaunt some of his major collecting rules, emphasizes the power Terminal Consumerism holds over many of our lives, including the life of the Ovate we are now discussing.

Here is the rule smashing Foxy in company with a similarly sized Microlight Pocket Tool Chest.  A Republic of Texas farthing is included for scale.   Mercy!  That particular farthing was actually minted in the depths of Hell by the Demon Mammon, himself.  Assuming demons are sexual beings?

Yes.  Living, dwelling or staying in a terminal consumer society, witnessing the final twitch of monopoly capitalism before it devolves into barbarism can certainly goof up your hobby rules. It's like the temptations are too many.  Therefore,  Crumby is considering an easing of the rules.  Or maybe easing is the wrong term. Maybe Crumby is considering a simplification of the rules.  Like maybe from now on, Crumby shall impulse purchase any sak that strikes his fancy.


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