Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Crumby - the Stratosphere - and Lower Down and Even Beyond

Ha, and top o' the afternoon to ye. Aint ye twain sposed to be out in the presumptive bracted twist flower area inspectin' fer baby cotyledons?

Why yes Crumby, that we are, and I Hope

and I, Ray

are fixin' to soujourn there anon. And we leave thee Crumby with that thing there to thy attention. Ye may wish to determine whatever from that thing there . Adieu.

All righty then. Let's get to work here. What's this those two have so pointedly brought to the attention of a fired up Crumby Ovate?

Jeez Louise! Jeez Louise! Jeez Louise! Jeez Louise! How the heck do ye spell that?

All righty then, I can worry about that anon, but fer the time bein' I got to worry about my recent all night interaction with the stratosphere and beyond.

We, that is all the Druids at the CB, plus some of the pets and livestock had to work through the night to catch up. Red set me, the Crumby Ovate, after Ray and me finished up on Sedge Buster, to star gazin' and I was instructed that if anything interesting appeared in the stratosphere or beyond, I was sposed to holler out and everyone would drop whatever they were doin' and assemble at the telescopery. So I lugged the big Lomo out to the east pasture which was easier than usual cause the moon was so dang bright everthin' was lit up real well, including the lawn furntiure that occupies the east lawn in the pecan orchard located just to the west of the east pasture. Ye must, ye see, get clear of the pecan orchard to obtain unobstructed views of the stratosphere, lower down and beyond, and I mention lawn furniture because our particular lawn furniture was manufactured at the Joke Factory so it has a sense of humor.

What the lawn furniture thinks is funny is, tripping us up in the dark when we are toting heavy objects. And sure enough getting yerself thus tripped up is very funny when it happens to someone else. But thanks be to the moon and Her Mighty Light the lawn furniture was easy to spot, even as those chairs and, in particular, the recliner, shifted about their habitat attempting to engage my shins. So I was able to evade them, easily, even toting the big Lomo with the visual acumen afforded by the moonlight, Praise the Goddess.

The lawn furnture with the biggest sense of humor is this un, the recliner. Ye can get some idea of the size of it from the range wand standing next to it. See how long and low slung it be, note those wheels, those wheels promote its quickness, and also its dark green color makes it near invisible, very stealthy, in the dark. Yepper, that un has quite a sense of humor.

Once upon a time I was packmulin' along in the dark through the lawn furniture habitat and this very un run up under me an took me down, flat a face. I can't tell ye whut I was packmulin' along with, fer it might lower their resale value, fer on account of my bein' a Druid and all, I would have to tell the truth and admit they'd been dropped once if we was to resell em, maybe, but I can tell ye that recliner, got a serious spellin' down, from me, The Crumby Ovate, once I figured out I warnt dead. By the way, apparently, many may be alarmed when they hear yer dispute with a lawn furniture in the night and some may apprize the authorities.

So anyhow, I did, last night avoid the lawn furnitures and their senses of humor thanks to the moonlight, Praise the Goddess, and fetch up in the pasture with the telescopery, all righty then. But about the time, 2:30 AM, when all the telescopery was set up satisfactorily, the stratsophere waxed active and all these low clouds swiftly raced across the sky, intermittently.

Now my fortellin' was that the Constellation Lyra would me sufficiently high above the city lights and WMOFSA road lights by 4 AM. And that was an accurate foretellin', intermittently. But by 4:30 AM the clouds waxed so frequent that even the bright beauty Vega would only wink, now and agin, at me. So the best I could do, ever, pertinent to Red's instructions was to holler out once, "Hyer now, everone's to cease whut yer doin and come look at Jupiter." A bunch of Jupiter's moons were lined up on top of Jupiter and that was interesting and fun fer ever'one. Also, fer some reason, even with a supplied low power 25mm UO ortho, there was lotsa detail on old Jupiter, hisself.

But as to Lyra and its Ring Nebula, which is whut The Crumby Ovate was after espyin', after all, that be, one night closer.

Give us the Ring.

No, no, no.

Give us the Ring, Druid, or we shall take it from thee, and leave thee ever snuffling in the stygian darkness of the Mall Wart, when and if, the assistant manager pardner associate turns the lights off.

No ye won't, neither. Fer I shall call upon the WG and She shall verily wink the lala out of yer fat boy lalas. Ha!

All righty then Druid, we shall be forced to take the Ring from thee.

WG! Hep me WG! Ye are my Only Hope! These liars and gluttons are attemptin' to steal my ring?

My Goodness Gracious Sakes Alive! What in the great globulosity are those liars and gluttons doin' to My Crumby Ovate? Take that ye liars and gluttons and that as well!

Whoa! The WG verily winked the lala out of those particular liars and gluttons! Thank ye very much WG fer savin' me!, yer Crumby Ovate, frum them liars and gluttons.

Ye are most welcome Crumby. And if ever ye need me agin, just squeak out, Great Goddess! Cerridwen! Arianrhod! Blodeuwedd!, and I, the Great Goddess, shall dispel the liars and gluttons, fer thee.

All righty then!


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