Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day

There, there Ray. It's all righty then. It was just a bad dream. See, I, Hope Remains have brought you a nice big bowl of oatmeal with all your favorite trimmings.

It was terrible, Hope, terrible. I, be shaky and weak still from that nightmare. It was terrible, and then again triplicate terrible. Chitlin' was fixin' to get all my cinnamon buns. Mmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmm. Smack! Gurgle.

Don't talk with your mouth full Ray.

Mmmph, slurp. Ah! That hit the spot. Thank goodness fer that oatmeal. It has restored me, slightly. Whut's this, Goddess Pertect Me from such perfidy. Avert yer vision Hope, from this here.

Oh my goodness Ray. Whatever have ye espied that alarms thee so? Speak for I can not contain my curiosity, even so mine eyes be averted.

Truly there is no word to describe whut is here espied.

What Ray? Please spell it to me for mine eyes are averted still, no matter the many spells it requires.

Mercy! Two grown men, holding hands, their arms encircling a great tree of the genus Fraxinus and one of the men appears to, no, no. I can't spell what the man appears to be engaged at. There is no spell, fer it.

Then I can no longer stand it Ray, and must gaze upon this wonder.

No Hope, please, please don't!

Three Fifties of Yikes! Oh my goodness gracious sakes alive, that poor man How in the world do you spell that?

I told ye not to look! Now yer eyes have espied the same difference as bestiality, fer which even the Druids, have no spell.


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