Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Red is makin' good progress

All righty then. Druids are hard and fast. So, I Red, have negotitiated a deal with the Arkdruid. The deal is, if I use standard grammar, the Arkdruid is fixing to allow me to cuss. Somehow, I have felt the need to cuss in this sterile venue lately.

First off then, the Wicker Man doesn't play fair. He likes to get everyone. But that's not how it works from the hard and fast orthodox Druid perspective. The way it should work, and will, if we are on the ball, is, the Wicker Man starts in on the ruling class, then if he does not perceive general repentance, he gets everyone.

So who needs to get got first. Why the Kinglet and all his evil ministers, of course Then all their lickspittle sidekicks. That's 80-100 million parasites the globe could do without. Perhaps they could be recycled, but why worry about that. Just getting shut of those liars and gluttons would improve the globe so expeditiously that a few bodies rotting in the streets unpleasantry would be well worth it.

Should the children be spared? I don't think so. Not given the inheritance laws on the books these days.

And now for the cussing.

I got really pissed off the other day when a lady spelled New Age with respect to Druidry in front of me. New Age! What a bunch of dumb fuckers. Get right with the Goddess ye ignorant shitheads, or perish.


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