Sunday, July 30, 2006

Botanical Little Wonders that Shall Arrive at the CB Anon, Maybe

We have collected seeds of Geum canadense, Sanicula canadensis and Passiflora affinis. The former twain have been set out to germinate, maybe. Fruits of the latter have been collected, but they have not been set out. We have a microhabitat at the CB much like the microhabitat the Passiflora affinis from which the furits were collected is habitating for the nonce. In fact, we have several such microhabitats. Perhaps we should just move the semi-wild plant or some part of it to the CB. We are all very excited at the prospect of these presumptive new arrivals grwoing up at the CB.

The photo to the east indicates some of the variability of the fruits within the genus Passiflora. P. foetida is on the left with P. affinis next to it. Then there's also some Styrax platanifolia fruits that were a lot of trouble getting to the CB and an unknown Fraxinus single samara. Those Styrax calyces sure do remind me of something else, like Vacciniums maybe.

Anyway, that's just buzzhead on the P. foetida, so don't freak out and think you're having a religious experience.


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