Ray's This and That
Red Ears Proprietor mentions that many of the CB botanical little wonders are going into heat/drought dormancy. And many of the ones that aren't, tell Red, they wish they could.
My sister, Rayetta, LDR, spells that based on her experience so far with me, she is going to write a book entitled, "How to Become a Sun God, for Dummies". Very funny, Rayetta. That joke ran its course when Heck was a pup.
Crumby is driving everyone nuts with telescope tomfoolery. Last night he was out until one o'clock and when he came in, he started hollering, and woke everyone up. Apparently, he was all excited about his new flashlight. That new flashlight had already caused a fuss when Crumby thought it was broke out of the package and he figured it needed to go back to Target. But then Rayetta read the directions and put the batteries in correctly so the flashlight worked, all righty then, Praise the Goddess.
And spelling of the Crumby Ovate, here he is now. Surely Crumby, I would have surmised you to be abed resting upon the Ample Bosoms.
Noper. I woke up in the neighborhood of 4:30 AM, and espying that the eastern sky was clear, I headed on out. What's fer breakfast, Ray?
Nutty nuggets with milk and a nectarine or blueberries.
All righty then. Move on over, Ray. I got to do my Tomfoolery Notes before breakfast.
Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes
I got this really cool new flashlight at Target. It comes with red and blue filters that a knowledgable person may alternatively clamp over the business end. I used the red one to protect my night vision, both last night and this morning, already. Later, I shall have Raymone take a picture of my very interesting new flashlight.
Hark, I have been at Tomfoolery sufficiently long enough, so that now I have espied the Pleiades in the evening sky and in the morning sky. How goofy is that? Earlier than right now I arose and went outside and beheld the Pleiades among a myriad of other celestial wonders. The clouds were nowhere to be espied. Expeditiously the telescopery was assembled and I quickly focused in on Aries, for the dawn was to be anon. Expeditiously, Gamma and Lambda Arietis succumbed to my perusal. Er, I sure am sleepy. It may be time for a nap upon the Ample Bosoms.
All righty then, clearly, Telescope Tomfoolery falls within the purview of the Druid Maxim, "If ye got awhile, it takes awhile." For it takes awhile for the globe upon which many of us are situated to position itself properly for my viewing pleasure.
Check out my new flashlight. It is constructed primarily from rugged aluminum. It has nine bulbs that are supposed to last a thousand years. The light beam is so bright that it could guide a great ship through the Straits of Hormuz even with the Straits of Hormuz beset by stygian darkness and the great ship captained by a drunkard beset with the blind staggers.
Check out that red filter. Check out the blue filter leaning up against the linen tester. As you can see, by comparing my new flashlight to the armadillo skull which has all the occipital bones present as you may note), this new flashlight is a midget as flashlights go. It's so little it fits in the cigar box with my zoom eyepiece and my five University Optics eyepieces which is very handy. But it's also tough. I already abused it, accidentally. It can take a lick or two.
However, when one uses a red filter to prevent being blinded by the light, the red filter reduces ones ability to find pink dots. One has to look really closely for any pink dots one may wish to espy. I almost had a panic attack when I couldn't find some important pink dots on the star maps. But then I said to myself, "Crumby, that red filter on the new flashlight could be adversely impacting the pink dots." So that's when I stopped fixing to panic and just looked more carefully for the pink dots. No problemo, there they were. They were yellow, sort of.
The only other potential drawback to my new flashlight is that I may not be able to put in the batteries correctly by myself. Get this, the dang thing operates on three 3A batteries. Two of the batteries go positive end up towards the business end, and one of the batteries faces the other way. But get this, the two positive ones can only work if they are inserted properly in their own personal slots and the other battery occupies its own special slot. I never heard of such a thing. Plus, if you have just one battery inserted the wrong way or inserted in the wrong slot, my new flashlight won't light up. Someone made me tape the flashlight instructions to the underside lid of my eyepiece cigar box. Praise the Goddess.
My sister, Rayetta, LDR, spells that based on her experience so far with me, she is going to write a book entitled, "How to Become a Sun God, for Dummies". Very funny, Rayetta. That joke ran its course when Heck was a pup.
Crumby is driving everyone nuts with telescope tomfoolery. Last night he was out until one o'clock and when he came in, he started hollering, and woke everyone up. Apparently, he was all excited about his new flashlight. That new flashlight had already caused a fuss when Crumby thought it was broke out of the package and he figured it needed to go back to Target. But then Rayetta read the directions and put the batteries in correctly so the flashlight worked, all righty then, Praise the Goddess.
And spelling of the Crumby Ovate, here he is now. Surely Crumby, I would have surmised you to be abed resting upon the Ample Bosoms.
Noper. I woke up in the neighborhood of 4:30 AM, and espying that the eastern sky was clear, I headed on out. What's fer breakfast, Ray?
Nutty nuggets with milk and a nectarine or blueberries.
All righty then. Move on over, Ray. I got to do my Tomfoolery Notes before breakfast.
Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes
I got this really cool new flashlight at Target. It comes with red and blue filters that a knowledgable person may alternatively clamp over the business end. I used the red one to protect my night vision, both last night and this morning, already. Later, I shall have Raymone take a picture of my very interesting new flashlight.
Hark, I have been at Tomfoolery sufficiently long enough, so that now I have espied the Pleiades in the evening sky and in the morning sky. How goofy is that? Earlier than right now I arose and went outside and beheld the Pleiades among a myriad of other celestial wonders. The clouds were nowhere to be espied. Expeditiously the telescopery was assembled and I quickly focused in on Aries, for the dawn was to be anon. Expeditiously, Gamma and Lambda Arietis succumbed to my perusal. Er, I sure am sleepy. It may be time for a nap upon the Ample Bosoms.
All righty then, clearly, Telescope Tomfoolery falls within the purview of the Druid Maxim, "If ye got awhile, it takes awhile." For it takes awhile for the globe upon which many of us are situated to position itself properly for my viewing pleasure.
Check out that red filter. Check out the blue filter leaning up against the linen tester. As you can see, by comparing my new flashlight to the armadillo skull which has all the occipital bones present as you may note), this new flashlight is a midget as flashlights go. It's so little it fits in the cigar box with my zoom eyepiece and my five University Optics eyepieces which is very handy. But it's also tough. I already abused it, accidentally. It can take a lick or two.
However, when one uses a red filter to prevent being blinded by the light, the red filter reduces ones ability to find pink dots. One has to look really closely for any pink dots one may wish to espy. I almost had a panic attack when I couldn't find some important pink dots on the star maps. But then I said to myself, "Crumby, that red filter on the new flashlight could be adversely impacting the pink dots." So that's when I stopped fixing to panic and just looked more carefully for the pink dots. No problemo, there they were. They were yellow, sort of.
The only other potential drawback to my new flashlight is that I may not be able to put in the batteries correctly by myself. Get this, the dang thing operates on three 3A batteries. Two of the batteries go positive end up towards the business end, and one of the batteries faces the other way. But get this, the two positive ones can only work if they are inserted properly in their own personal slots and the other battery occupies its own special slot. I never heard of such a thing. Plus, if you have just one battery inserted the wrong way or inserted in the wrong slot, my new flashlight won't light up. Someone made me tape the flashlight instructions to the underside lid of my eyepiece cigar box. Praise the Goddess.
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