Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Support the War

All righty then, all of us that pay taxes, support the war on the miserable Iraqis, maybe, if any of our tax money actually goes to support the war and does not go directly to Beijing, alternatively. We can't forget all that due to the incessant reminders. But there is tangenital relief on the far horizon maybe. The Texas legislature is fixing to make it easier for property owners to kill people on their own property; people who wander on to their private property and threaten their private property or who are behaving in such fashion that the private property owner has reason to surmise that he or she is being threatened with a life or death situation or extreme aggravation or loss of property or personal injury or extreme annoyance.

The CB supports all that 100%. Why? Easy that, every once in a while a political minion wanders on to the property soliciting Red for a contribution. Since these politicians are trying to kill us off, one way or another, we interpret the presumptive action of the Texas legislature as a license to shoot these certified political swine minions on sight. Praise the Goddess. So bring 'em on and make my day.


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