Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes - Giuseppe Piazza's Flying Star

Did you know that Piazza' Flying Star has the fifth highest proper motion ever recorded. I myself, Crumby the Ovate, only just found that out. Many times I have noted this star on the Cygnus page of my star charts, but all those many times I just reflected on how silly of me it was to think originally that its name was Pizza's Flying Star. Wasn't there a Dodger baseball player named Piazza? I bet, if there was, he may be related to Giuseppe.

Anyway, since I need to spend some time with Cygnus before that swan disappears off west on its annual migration over these parts, I intend to peruse, like tonight, the aforementioned Piazza's Flying Star. In addition to roaring around at the fifth highest speed ever recorded by a star, the Flying Star is also a double star. Plus there are several other binaries I need to espy in that general vicinity, anyway.

We had a safety meeting today at the Cow Barn. The main subtopic was Potential Safety Topics - Environmental Hazards. As is well known, I, the Crumby Ovate am the first line of defense against the Cow Barn getting hit by a heavenly body. But some of the other Druids wanted to scale up fatter babies and Islamic Fascists as comparable threats, and cut my funding. Fortunately, wisdom prevailed and my funding persists untouched by the panic stricken fear mongers. However, fatter babies appear to be a potential long term threat to my funding so I need to keep informed on the fatter babies environmental hazard, especially global wobbles. I'm fairly certain that I can incorporate global wobble as a byproduct of fatter babies into my Defense against the Cow Barn Getting Hit by a Celestial Body, Plan, though.

Er, yepper. Here now, I'll just spell out some notes for the Celestial Body Avoidance Plan as fatter babies pertain to the Plan, maybe.

The fatter babies could not only wobble the global orbit, the wobbled orbit could cause our trajectory to go off on an adventure, thereby increasing the possibility that we could suddenly inhabit the orbit of another celestial body, and get run over. What do you think about that? Would not you, my funding sources appreciate being warned before such might come to pass, and being forewarned, begin to think about it beforehand, so if such comes to pass, er, it will not be quite so unprecedented.

Did you know that one of the stars, not Ogma, is only six light years away, approximately? We could get run over by that star because it moves around a lot anyway and six light years is pretty close.

Please, please don't cut my funding. I've already been working on the fatter baby problem so you need to increase my funding to help out with all the work I've done on the fatter babies already and in addition to my many other underfunded responsibilities.

Hmmm. These are all excellent notes.


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