Sunday, September 10, 2006

The CB Collective Thought for the Day - Prime Time Fascism

Fired up by Ray’s effort, the CB collective has decided we need to spell some about fascism, collectively. So we are doing just that.

Historical fascism, considered apart from the human herding (goose stepping) instinct, was a purely western European phenomena, a nation-state phenomena. In three nation states, Italy, Germany and Spain (sort of), fascist political parties achieved state power. Spain is sort of dubious in this regard because the main fascist political party, the Falange, never really got to be in charge. The Falange lost control of the charismatic leader, General Franco, and General Franco took charge.

In Italy and Germany though, real fascist political parties took over (seized state power). The fascist talking points in Italy and Germany emphasized the importance of nationality (the homeland) above all other human or proto human concerns. Being Italian or German was more important than anything else. (An Italian or German is the best, number one, as good as it gets). And the fascists opined that the dang country, Italy or Germany, was being ruined by foreigners. Plus, the dang Italian and German laborers were falling prey to foreign ideas, (anarchism, communism, socialism). So the fascists said, all good Italians or Germans need to work together, (the Italians and Germans were actually working separately because they are different nations), to make our country safe from all these foreigners and foreign ideas. Plus, you workers need to be good Italians or Germans first, and stop whining about how crumby your jobs are, or would be, if you had jobs.

The fascists promised that if all the good Italians or Germans behaved themselves, and set aside their petty human or proto human concerns, and focused on being a good Italian or German, and put on a happy face, that everything would be put to order. The trains would run on time. The foreigners would get run off or something. And everyone, Italian or German, would have prosperity. The fascists, plus the charismatic fascist leader, would see to it.

The talking points proved very popular. Then the herd instinct plus cowardice kicked in. Off marched the Italians and Germans to share their goodness and superiority with everyone else. Meantime, General Franco, put his most troublesome fascists in jail because they were troubling him.

Alas, not everyone shared the Italians or Germans enthusiasm for themselves. But it to took the monarchist Japanese running amok all over the place to finally get the attention of most of US. Many of US were also more troubled about the anarchists, communists and socialists than we were about the fascists. Our laborers were also infested with foreign ideas, maybe.

After a short spasm, considering the spasm, geologically, and lots of general human and proto human misery, primarily focused in Europe and Asia, the Italian, German and monarchist Japanese enthusiasm for themselves waned, and the survivors, the cowards and the goose steppers alike, were made to reflect on how very naughty they had been. But feeling guilty about being naughty is not good for the economy, so soon, with lots of help from General Marshall and our smart president, FDR, the Italians, Germans and Japanese were up and it again, better than before, and more reflective about themselves, too.

The fascists, their main charismatic leaders, gone, their state power, gone, have subsequently made little progress toward feeling good about themselves at a national level. But groups of actual fascists persist, openly. For example, there is a fascist political party in Lebanon, of all places. Guess what religious group the Lebanese fascists draw membership from? Did you guess, Christian? And sadly, of course, there is the great embarrassment to the Celts, Irish fascists. Lots of people try to excuse the Irish fascists because of Ireland’s long troubles with the imperialist English, but for Goddess Sakes! And now there are even Irish fascists on TV, maybe, for Goddess Sakes!

All righty then. That brings us up to snuff on the history of the largely western European phenomena of political fascism. These days, as a consequence of being historically naughty, and getting caught at their naughtiness, and punished, the fascists have to be fairly sneaky for fear of being caught again before they are able to take over (seize state power) somewhere. So the really smart fascists hide their fascist proclivities. They are not up front about their fascism, as opposed to, for example, the various little American white people parties participants that appear occasionally on TV, and who are open about their fascism. Nor are the sneaky fascists overtly racist, unless they get excited. Right Senator Allen?

All righty then. That’s enough collective spelling for one day. Everyone needs to go off and do their chores. We can spell some more on the subtopic fascism anon, maybe.


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