Friday, September 08, 2006

The LDR to the Rescue

Hmmm. Now that we're plugged into the grid again, and you two are finished rolling around, and you two are doctored up, maybe we can come to a more orderly procedure for today's spells. Hmmm. All righty then, Ray, you spelled last, so it's Crumby's turn.

But I wasn't done yet, Rayetta.

That is irrelevant Ray. We are starting over fresh and I just spelled, it's Crumby's turn. And, I don't want to have to come in here again. I'm busy. Do you both understand all that?




Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes - The Clouds are Back!

Yes they are, back.

"Hark! Something is amiss in Ample Bosoms Land. My feet are wet." This is the troubling thought that troubled my repose and sent me scurrying on out to the east pasture this morning, heedless of the stygian darkness. Lo and behold, the clouds were almost ubiquitous I soon discovered. But they were high clouds and thin. So Lleu Llaw and I set up the telescopery anyway. But our efforts were almost to no avail. Only Delta Aurigae was available of the ones we desired to espy. So we espied Delta Aurigae.

Auriga is known far and wide as the Charioteer. The out of print Golden Skyguide offers up two suggestions on the identity of the Charioteer.

1). Erichthonius, King of Athens, who was a cripple and invented the chariot for increased mobility

2). Neptune

The Druids, however, know that it is Cu Chulaind, or maybe Culhwch, bouncing along in the chariot and all the little nearby stars are the heads of evil doers cut off and set upon the chariot for their educational value.

All that said, we were not much interested in espying the Chariot or Charioteer, but rather, we were bent on continuing our zoological tour of the heavens, and espying the celestial wonders of adjacent, Lynx. Lynx is yet another product of the imagination of our good buddy, Hevelius. Alas and alack, the Lynx, pointy ears and all, was wrapped in high, but thickening clouds. Er. I prophesy some rain, anon.


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