Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Crumby's Telescope Tomfoolery Notes - Rising Stars

Yikes! I was too late to prevent my bosom companion, Ray, from posting that spell. Those type spells make me nervous. That's why I wanted to interdict Ray. But soon I forgot all about that spell, so maybe it didn't make me nervous after all.

My faithful sidekick, Lleu Llaw Guffes, Lion of the Steady Hand, toted the great red tube, sometimes referenced as a 10" Newtonian reflector telescope, out to the east pasture yesterday evening. We set it up, all righty then, and gave it all the necessary ablutions so that it would be fired up this morning when the twain of us, both Lleu and me, Crumby, bounced off the Ample Bosoms and headed on out to the east pasture, defying the stygian darkness.

Yep, out we went. Lo and behold the eastern sky was right pert just like yesterday morning. Plus, we were up and at 'em by 4:30 AM so we had plenty of time for an exacting perusal of the many naked celestial wonders headed our way. Which is the point I am trying to allude to here, referencing the title of this interesting spell. Rising stars, those headed this way, may be easier to keep track of, as opposed to those same stars, headed off west, or setting, as some might say. I am not sure why rising stars are seemingly easier to keep track of than setting ones, but that seems to be my case.

Here they came, the naked celestial wonders straight at us. Lleu Llaw was kept very busy, his steady hand guiding the great red tube steadily, hither and yon. What all did we espy? Later.

Later it is, and I find myself wearied by all the chores I did today. Lleu Llaw, why don't you spell what we espied while I go take care of some important ablutions.

All righty then, Crumby. Yepper, the Crumby Ovate and me, Lleu Llaw Guffes, the Lion of the Steady Hand had a first rate astronomical experience this morning. First, we espied somewhat of the Twinks. Then at Crumby's beck and call, I zoomed the tube around steadily, espying various puppy dog stars, but also stars of the terrible Monoceros.

What Crumby and me like to do is pick out a multiple star system, then I guide the telescopery to the star system, steadily. Then Crumby gets all excited, or maybe not, as we espy that particular system of from one to more than one star. I can tell you that Crumby got very excited when I guided the telescope steadily right on to our espyization of Beta Monceroti. I got excited too, when Crumby finally gave me my turn to look.

What else did we espy? Well, we espied Kappa Gemini, Castor, one of the twinks, and the famous Eskimo Nebula. Crumby says that the Eskimo Nebula tha the thought he espied previous to my visit to the CB may not have been the actual Eskimo Nebula, but a hallucination or evil spell cast upon Crumby by crazy people to make him surmise that he saw the Eskimo Nebula. However, Crumby assures me that this time we actually espied the Eskimo Nebula. In the upsides down and backwards Newt, there's a bright star just to the right of the Eskimo Nebula that makes it possible to guide the telescopery right there. Then, comparing the bright star and the Eskimo Nebula simultaneously, one is struck by the fact, that of the twain naked celestial objects in view, one is struck that one of the twain is a star and the other is a planetary nebula. Crumby, now experienced thoroughly in these matters, believes that every faint fuzzy should have a guide star nearby, close. But Crumby also believes that the world membership of Class Aves should line up, biggest on the left to smallest on the right, so that Crumby could stroll along, as if he was a general on parade, and thus strolling, identify all the global members of Class Aves to his heart's desire.

What else did we espy? Well, we got the lay of the sky at that time in these parts which is lotsa fun, even for a steady hand. There's the Twinks. Then there's the little dog, the one horned mystery animal tht is an insult to bilateral symmetry and the big dog. Above that is Orion and higher still is Taurus. All those naked celestial wonders we espied and discoursed upon. Especially, mutiple stars we espied. Crumby likes those.

Lleu Llaw, are we done yet?


I'm not quite done in the comfort station yet.

All righty then.


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