Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Saddam's Epic Trial

So the Kinglet had to have some of his minions pull the plug on one of Saddam's judges. Saddam just had to have been dictator. Correct! Just like the Kinglet is presently the imperialist decider in Iraq. Correct!

With dead people piling up in Iraq like shit at the dog park, having Big Saddam on trial for whatever is a down right hoot. Jeez Louise, what a bunch of lunkheads we now have running US. Why didn't they move the trial to Geneva? Oh, never mind, they speak French in Geneva, don't they? Our crazy imperialist wannabe leaders, the Kinglet, Chitlin, Rover the Himmler clone, Sleeza and Rumpler, maybe, couldn't very well haul Big Saddam all the way to Geneva? Some of them speak French in Geneva.

Gee whiz. We pay taxes, so, we support monopoly capitalism, globalization, colonialism, imperialism, militarism, virtual work and the lifestyles of the rich and famous (at least partially, if not generally). Plus, these days, we get George Orwell's worst nightmares thrown in for free.

Who threw in George Orwell's worst nightmares? Easy that, that very person or perhaps demon who threw those worst nightmares of the Druid Orwell, in, would be Evil Minister Rover, Number One Boy to the Wannabe Fuerher, Wannabe.

In closing, doubtless, many, might consider my thought today a mere rant, the mentally incontinent ravings of a lunatic. But since I have a moon goddess girlfriend, and you don't. I am a lunatic, and you, sadly, are not.

Hold it! I Ray the Pistrum am not closing shop quite yet. Because, since I maybe ranting, yet the Arkdruid and Red,and Nancy the Goddess or Practical Jokes,
and my sister and girlfriends don't seem to be paying me any mind for the nonce, here's another thought. Maybe, Druids don't care how bad the Mammonites and the various other idiots behave, because the Druids know something no one else knows. Maybe!

Ray, it's your bosom companion, the Crumby Ovate. Whatever you do, don't post that spell!


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