Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A 12 Point Program for Annointing Rudi the Fascist, Kinglet

Twleve points. Too funny. Some history.

Rudi is a Grand Masturbator of the Myers/Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) society of knuckleheads. Thus, millions in speakers fees is guaranteed to Rudi, just from showing up at the MBTI seminars. At the seminars, Rudi, tells inspirational stories about introverts versus extroverts and the various representative antics of those two semi-interesting yet imaginary personality types. Also, as recently demonstrated, Rudi knows all about point programs and step programs, even if he can’t keep the enumeration exact. With 9/11 thrown into the mix, emphasizing Rudi’s leadership role as dramatized on TV, Rudi must be extra-inspirational. Many, among the panting crowds of Myers-Briggs knuckleheads, wet their britches, contending with all the inspiration and stimulation. Where’s my panty liner?

Twelve is a good number of points or steps because Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has 12 of those steps in the AA program. AA, steps, points, MBTI, Rudi will keep me safer than anybody, extroverts, introverts: Yikes! Yer driving me crazy some might holler. How is this all connected?

Well, easy that, the mythical figure that connects all this malarkey is Carl Jung, or maybe a bowdlerized version of the mythical Carl Jung. You know, Carl Jung the great Swiss head doctor who may or may not have sort of helped out the Nazis. Yes, Carl Jung may have done some Nazi like activities, but he may also have done some other stuff that wasn’t Nazi like.

Anyway, MBTI, for sure, and AA, maybe, sort of embrace some of the apparently bowdlerized teachings of the part time Nazi and mythical head doctor, Carl Jung. For example, Carl Jung is the father of all the MBTI introverts and extroverts. And Carl Jung may have psychoanalyzed the original reformed drunkard, advising that particular drunkard to seek out a religious experience as an alternative to those swinging doors that made Milwaukee famous. As to the steps and points, there may be no connection, other than steps and points help US keep tabs on the collective consciousness, also invented by Carl Jung.

Rudi, a Grand Masturbator of the MBTI shenanigans, knows, just like Jung knew, that all of US, extroverts and introverts alike, enjoy being a part of the collective consciousness, subconsciously. But collective consciousness, the concept, also makes many of US rugged individualist introverts or extroverts slightly nervous on those occasions when we are awake and alert. Collective consciousness, the concept, when we are awake and alert, feels European, communistic, even Nazi-like. But rugged individualists, be comforted. Simply substitute common sense for collective consciousness on those occasions when your noggin is awake and alert. Then, when the drums start beating, your common sense shall inform which steps to take on the march to Paris. Once you are in gay Paris, Rudi, Grand Masturbator of the MBTI, shall have a nice step program with lots of points all ready for you to follow.


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