Crumby, Ecologer Mode - Castilleja indivisa, the annual paintbrush
A while back, during Hope Remains the Season, before this last Hope Remains the season maybe, I went a seed collecting in Matagorda County. In those parts, the annual paintbrushes may have bracts that are mostly white, or totally white. So some of the seed of those white ones managed to somehow find their way into a bag or sack that I sometimes remember to pack along on seed collecting adventures. Anyway, after I cleared it with Red, me and Ray, my bosom companion in most matters, distributed those seeds around the CB east pasture.
Hence, one of those seeds has now grown up into a plant. This is it. This plant is amazing from the ecologer mode for a couple of reasons. The soil its ancestor was habitating in was, I suspect, fairly saline and generally nasty. Plus the general environment in those parts is seriously different from the general environment in these parts. The second amazing reason this plant is amazing is that a deer didn’t eat it up before I espied it. Yepper, a big fat deer was fooling around this same paintbrush on more than one occasion, lately. There’s deer poop not 10 cubits from this paintbrush location at this very nonce. Mercy!
Now I am hoping a good many more of these paintbrushes may be fixing to make themselves apparent out in the east pasture. That way I can study up on them in ecologer mode without leaving the relatively safe environment of the CB. Plus, if any butterflies get on them, Rayetta can take their pictures.
Now I am hoping a good many more of these paintbrushes may be fixing to make themselves apparent out in the east pasture. That way I can study up on them in ecologer mode without leaving the relatively safe environment of the CB. Plus, if any butterflies get on them, Rayetta can take their pictures.
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