Saturday, June 16, 2007

Ray’s Thought for the Day - Rainfall Update Plus, Crazy

O, my cinnamon bun is delicious
Also maybe nutritious
Little dog want a little bit mo
Gimme mo, gimme mo, gimme mo.

Dogs are interesting because dogs seldom save up anything except old bones and the occasional biscuit. Plus, a dog is really sad when the leftover pork chop gets put in the ice box.

Don’t put that pork chop in there. I could eat that pork chop right now.

Goddess All Righty! The rain has fallen into the gauge yet again. The new total is 26.93" + 0.59" = 27.53" on Day 178 of DY 1. This year is shaping up to be the wettest year in the annals of recent Druid calendar use.


Yepper de do dah. There are a great many jobs or professions that many of US can’t or won’t do. Why can’t or won’t we do those jobs? Easy that, many of US are crazy. Yepper de do dah. There is lots of statistical evidence to suggest that the only reason a person can’t or won’t do a job or profession is due to that person being crazy. Consider my bosom companion, Crumby. Crumby wants to work, but he’s crazy.

Because many of US can’t or won’t work, the ruling class is desperate for the commodity, labor. So the ruling class has desperately outsourced jobs and professions all over the globe, trying to assemble all the sufficient labor needed for all the projects that need undertaking. One of those projects that needs undertaking is the general contracting job of stabilizing the violence in our miserable Iraqi colony. Keeping the violence going at a steady, stable pace is hard work. So the ruling class has outsourced lots of those type jobs or professional positions because most of US are too crazy to do those jobs, much less the professional positions, which both require hard work.

In the good old imperialist days, stabilizing the violence type labor jobs or professional positions had the Job Title, Mercenary. In these good new imperialist days, the Job Title is, General Services Contractor (GSC). But Mercenary and GSC are the same difference. Because many of US are too crazy, most of the GSC jobs or professional positions go to foreigners.

A big qualifier for GSC is, Willingness to drive a great vehicle over a bomb. If you are not willing to do that, you are too crazy to be a GSC. Driving a great vehicle over a bomb is hard work. So the ruling class has a pay conundrum to consider. Generally, the harder the work, the less the ruling class pays for that work. But to attract workers that may be able to operate a great vehicle by themselves, the ruling class has to pay that worker some kind of wage, the lower the better, of course. So to offset the potentially high cost of labor, the ruling class relies on US to pay the GSCs. Thus, the perfect ruling class solution to the cost of labor conundrum is, taxes.

Many may espy the upcoming contradiction that some reference as a Druid Dichotomy. As the proportion of US that are too crazy to work, and therefore, too crazy to pay taxes, increases, the ruling class must discover alternative funding sources for all those many undertaking projects. Which would you rather have, ruling class, US too crazy to work, or a fair, flat tax on the foreigners?

Easy that, those foreigners need to pay for getting their violence stabilized. And once the global fair flat tax is up and running, all of US can go crazy.

Footnote: Follow the money trail. Who benefits from globalized stable violence? Who, among US, are globally competitive? What, products and services, do our most competitive global companies, provide?



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