Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ray's Thought for the Day - Hot!

Yepper, the fickle Ogma afflicted me somewhat today. Apparently Beelzebubberriffic is waxing more Bellzebubberiffically typical in these parts. Great! There's nothing quite like werkin' in the sun on a day like today.

Werkin' in the sun had me thinking about all the threats to my way of life, like sunstroke, insect bites, insect stings, thorns, stickers, empty canteen, no lunch break, no handkerchief, no baseball cap, wet feet, no leather gloves and an inner thigh chafing event. Further down the list, like maybe last, are the miserable Muslim terrorists.

Noper, my lifestyle is so minimally threatened by Muslim terrorists that honestly, I am more afraid of a tree falling on me. Ha! Unlikely that. No tree has ever fallen on a Druid, much less a Sun God Trainee, such as myself. Unless of course, one counts the unlucky Baldir as a Sun God. And unless one considers a twig, a tree. Er. Come to think of it, Jesus had some bad luck associated with a wood product. But no tree ever actually fell on a Druid.

Here's some free advice if you are maybe afflicted with Republicans in your daily life. The Republicans whine and whine incessantly about how the Muslim terrorists, Islamic fascists, or whatever are a big threat to our way of life. If you hear that spell, spell back, It's your way of life, not our way of life.

Of course, if you have invested heavily in the offense industry, or bought real estate in beautiful Iraqi Kurdistan, or received a nice Homeland Insecurity contract, it is your way of life and you probably do not need this free advice.

Er. So rethinking from the Republican perspective, Are miserable Muslim terrorists good for business? Yep. No doubt about it. They are plenty good for business. So why are Muslim terrorists such a threat to your way of life? Easy that. You Republicans are lying again. Naughty! Naughty! No wonder Chitlin and Rumpler always smirk when commenting that our policies may be creating more terrorists than we are killing.


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