Monday, July 30, 2007

What Sets US Off (from the rest of the animals) -revised

Easy that. The urge to accumulate. No other animal accumulates like US. We store stuff up, for future use, for swapping, or just for the heck of it, because we can.

Interestingly, the individual capacity for storing stuff up, apparently varies within the species. Some are apparently better at it than others. This variability in the capacity for storing stuff up is known as intelligence. Plus, the very intelligent not only store up lots of stuff, the very intelligent are discriminating, storing up high value stuff, like money, stocks, bonds, gold, diamonds and real estate. The less intelligent store up junk. Sometimes, by accident, the junk also acquires a generic and semi-transferrable (swap) value, maybe. Anyone want to purchase a Barry Bonds baseball card, pre-testosterone enhancement?

A derivative of the above is the great, common sense put down: If yer so smart, how come ye aint rich? That put down is a discussion ender, all righty then, unless the alleged smart person participating in the discussion is actually rich. Unlikely that. But the alleged rich person may continue the discussion with, I am too rich. I am rich in _______.

The intelligent capacity for storage is also the basis of civilization as we know it. Consequently, we have stored up a few reasons to account for storage as the basis of our civilization, associating storage with our best reasons, excuses, or ideals, like freedom, for example. The storage society definition of freedom is, The individual has the right to store up as much as the intelligence of the individual allows. Anything that interferes with freedom is bad, or even, evil. Freedom, by the way, is an ideal. A best reason would be, So I don’t run out. An excuse would be, It’s not my fault, I inherited it.

Naturally, since the intelligent capacity for storage is integrally linked with freedom, that freedom to store stuff up must be a God given right. Since it’s a God given right, it must be universally applicable. So if a dumb person acquires stuff without ever doing anything at all, via for example, inheritance, or Lotto, that’s God given too. These events, inheriting and Lotto, level the playing field so that even serious dumb butts like our Kinglet may enjoy storage, freedom and God.

In the pre-capitalist good old days, all the above was bullshit. The King and a bunch of his Nobles had all the storage capacity plus all the stored stuff. That’s why the notion that everyone, theoretically, has the right to store up as much stuff as their intelligence allows them to store up is a revolutionary idea. That’s also why revolts were needed to take all the stuff away from the King. Plus, the King’s stuff was directly derived from God in the first place, which still makes some potential, theoretical revolutionaries feel guilty.

Here’s how that King thing worked. King is born. King survives childhood diseases. King gets all the stuff when old King pegs out. Many Kings even inherited people as stuff. Yep. Those Kings stored people like you may store buttons. If the King gave his stored people stuff, he was a good King. If he didn’t give them any of his stuff, and too many of his people had nothing, not even turnips, and died as a result of having nothing, he was a bad King. That’s how we got the great idea, Labor is a commodity like any other commodity. The people were supposed to work so that the King would have more stuff than just a bunch of commodity people expecting to be fed all the time. So the people worked producing commodities and soon the work of the people was just another commodity. Makes perfect sense. Right!

So that about sums up human progress among US to date, versus the other animals and versus many within our own species who may be too dumb to store up plenty of stuff. Too bad for those dumb butts. Huh, huh!

Yet where do we freedom lovers get the stuff in the first place? And is the stuff, really infinite? Ha! Ask the bees what the Druids know!


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