Thursday, September 06, 2007

Mr. Red Ears, Senior Ovate - An Open Letter to MoveOn.Org.

Druids despise imperialism. The imperialist occupation of miserable Iraq is an example of imperialism, so we despise the occupation. The occupation of miserable Iraq is the policy of rich, powerful, privileged, snotty, American fascists, utilizing US state power, and our tax money to further their global, short term, economic interests. Their interests are not Druid interests. Nor are their interests consistent with the long term well being, peace and prosperity of most of US.

Yet we are still talking about a Democratic Party so bought off, so compromised, so hep with imperialism that we can’t get them to do much about the current, unusually despicable, imperial episode.

OK. What’s the solution? Since the Democratic Party is supposedly our only hope, lets run “progressives” against the particularly egregious fascist running dog democratic congressmen who don’t want to set a time table for troop withdrawal. Ooooh! That will necessarily mean I will need to send money to a progressive campaign somewhere else, since amazingly, my Congressman probably favors a time table for withdrawal, maybe. How much am I willing to contribute toward unseating a Democratic Congressman, somewhere else besides my district, especially if Moveon thinks that progressive has a chance in the general election? Well, if it if a sure thing in the general election, which it never is, I might contribute ten bucks. Ten bucks is a reflection of my current income, plus the realization that no matter how much I might contribute, Michael Dell can contribute a billion dollars to the other side, no sweat.

A more likely scenario than electing crypto fascist democratic congressmen who will eventually vote for a troop withdrawal time table that might eventually put an end to US imperialism in miserable Iraq is; Most Americans may someday refuse to participate in imperialistic military actions against tiny defenseless countries. Of course, some Americans shall always be into imperialism, those kind can’t help their nature, but it typically takes lots of US to carry out the requisite imperialistic policies. Perhaps, some day, despite the economic incentives concurrent with imperialist adventure, not enough of US shall sign up. Yep. That is a more likely scenario than a time table for withdrawal.


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