Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ray’s Thought for the Day - Photographing the Hymenoptera

Dang it! I can hardly ever get a picture of a Hymenoptera to turn out. Why is that? I think it is because those bees, wasps, hornets and what not quiver while I am trying to take their pictures. That’s right. They are quivering faster than the camera’s fastest possible speed. They are quivering so fast that the mere human eye can not detect the quiver.

The Hymenopteran quiver is slightly annoying because I want to figure out some stuff about them. That is because, here at the CB, they are wonderfully diverse. Yet I can not take pictures of them due to the dang quiver they all seem to do.

Mercy! Despite a change of season, it sure was hot this afternoon. There I was, werkin' in the sun. Soon, a thought occurred to me, helping to distract me from my suffering. The thought was, ecology pots. Or maybe they should be named, ecology buckets. The way ecology buckets work in the nursery trade is, instead of just having a single species in the bucket, three species habitate in the bucket. Then the customer that purchases an ecology bucket, or pot, gets a simple plant community instead of just one lousy plant.

I even saw an example of an ecology pot which is what triggered my thought in the first place. That pot featured Dicliptera brachiata, Aster oblongifolius and a violet species. I don't know which violet, because that violet was in a vegetative state.

The merely vegetative state of the violet suggests that it was not blooming. Neither was the aster, but an adjacent pot had a blooming aster. The diclipera was blooming. So you may see, that with a well-designed ecology pot, something could always be blooming.

Perhaps I shall go into the ecology pot business. That way, I could fix Crumby up with a job, helping out with the ecology pots. Crumby's not too crazy for ecology pots, or buckets.


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