Thursday, December 20, 2007

Ray’s Thought for the Day - The Polaris or Polar Bear Solstice Nonce, Approaches Anon

For Druids, perhaps the most important holiday of the year is the Polaris or Polar Bear Solstice. On this particular solstice, these parts get less light than any other day. The dark and sinister powers have little to fear from Ogma’s fickle gaze during the solstice. Yes. The solstice is a good time for hatching out dark and sinister eggs, that some call plots. Plots, dark and sinister, hatched from serpent eggs. Who shall carry the egg across the water?

In days past, a good while back, our ancestors, huddled together inside miserable hovels. To pass the time they engaged in interesting conversations. The most important topic was, Shall the turnips last ‘til spring? Or, shall we soon espy the very bottom of the bin?

Yet withal there was much merriment. Everyone speculated, Shall we get a new king, or shall the WG stick with this one, for another year. Interestingly, in those days, the potential for survival of the kingship was directly related to the abundance of turnips.

Merry festivities, simulating the passing of the old king, and the arrival of a new, virile king, were played out in the wood lots. Often, snow depth permitting, the inmates of several miserable hovels would get together. Then, all would merrily romp around the wood lot hoping to espy a little king, or kinglet, Regulus satrapa. If they espied a kinglet, perhaps a regime change, portended.

Yet, even in those happy times, the solstice also indicated, unbeknownst to many, that our tiny globe had, from the point of view of some, made another circuit through the perilous depths of outer space. News of that perilous journey was long kept secret from the masses, to prevent panic.

Anon, this solstice shall pass, the powers of the dark and sinister shall fade from memory. Then, Ogma Sunface shall wax mightily. And the Sun God trainees, for example, me, Ray, shall bask in the glow.

Praise the Goddess!


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