Monday, November 24, 2008

Morning Show!

Yes sir! The Moon is fixing to disappear from the morning sky, anon. Should the clouds also go away, that would mean potential exposure of a great many naked celestial bodies to mine eye around 4:30AM. Yes sir. Off to the east, northeast and southeast at that time of the morning this time of year, just about all the heavenly bodies I have not knowingly espied ever may become apparent. I need to make a list. The list shall include most of the remaining Messier celestial objects or bodies I have never espied knowingly, yet.

Sadly, nearly all the remaining Messier objects I need to espy are galaxies. Yes sir. They are galaxies situated in the constellations, Canes Venatici, Coma Berenicies, Hydra and Virgo. Then too, there are a few in Leo and Ursa Major that may need to be included on the list in the faint hope that those elusive objects may also suddenly become visible to mine eye.

Besides a list of these many faint yet naked objects, for observation preparation I need to ask the WG to provide me with not only clear skies, but a power failure. Or, I need to get a good 30 ought 6 equipped with a silencer. With that equipment, I could put some of the transformers in these parts out of commission. The WG helps those that helps himself. Or I could load up the great red tube and head out for darker skies. Or, I could purchase a Denkmeier whatch-a-ma-call-it.

Those are all options. Or, the other option is, espy what you can Crumby, and leave the rest. Actually, I personally prefer the last option because I am curious about which ones of all those naked celestial splendors may be espied from this location given extant conditions. And with this option, I shall only waste my personal energy, lately stored up as fat, which has lately accrued due to no snuff. Praise the WG!


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