Tuesday, November 25, 2008

When I was a Child!

I was generally too little to defend myself. That’s right. I was too little and many took advantage of my lilliputian nature to annoy or torture me. That’s right. I was a small child, nearly defenseless in an environment fraught with incredible danger and stupidity. All about perils loomed.

What looming perils among many were worst? Easy that, I was forced into close association with Christian Mammonites. They were worst. Yes. Those Christian Mammonites were a standing crop of danger and stupidity. In addition, those Christian Mammonites were also handy with lies, apprizing little defenseless me of terrors besides themselves.

Yet there was occasional relief. A girl child, bigger than me, secreted fresh water mussel shells, birthday candles and a totally illegal matchbook into a concealed cranny of her backyard. At dusk we would venture forth into the backyard. Crumby, she would comment, if we want to see the fairies what we must do is stand the mussel shells up in a circle. Then we shall light a little candle and set it before each mussel shell. Anon, the fairies may come dancing.

My job was to stand the mussel shells up. Not easy that. As I fussed over standing the mussel shells up my companion came along behind and actually stood most of them up. Then she would distribute the candles all around and light them. I was too little to play with matches so I never got to light the candles. Yet what a sight that was; those nacreous shells reflecting the candle light. Anon, the fairies came dancing.

Now I am old and fixing to die. Now, once again I canna defend me, for I am too feeble. Yes. The Mammonites afflict me yet. Just today, for example, they had at me, torturing and mocking me as I flunked my pre-op EKG.

Oh well. The Goddess spells me, Crumby, you shall have a last laugh. Yes. The second sight is with me these days. Full Circle.


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