Wednesday, January 21, 2009

After the Ball, Dern It!

The elderly plus goofy may go along confusedly through life, sure or certain in their mistaken beliefs. Like for example, this morning, as I was out espying the naked heavenly bodies, I sang along happily. What did I sing? Easy that:

♪After the ball is over, after the break of dawn, many a heart is broken, many may feel forlorn♪.

I was pretty sure that’s how the chorus to that particular song went. But of course, those are all the words I knew. So I had to sing those words over and over again.

There was a lot to do. Gracious sakes alive! Moon and Antares are a sight to behold. The fact is, Moon and the whole northern parts of Scorpion are a sight to behold.

♪After the ball is over, after the break of dawn, many a heart is broken, many may feel forlorn ♪.

Also, there is the progress of Comet Lulin to consider. Comet Lulin is making good progress, now located in the general vicinity of Kappa Libra. Is it my imagination, or is Comet Lulin now visible in the finder?

♪After the ball is over, after the break of dawn, many a heart is broken, many may feel forlorn ♪.

Maybe I need to try and take a picture of Moon and Antares together. They are so beautiful.

♪After the ball is over, after the break of dawn, many a heart is broken, many may feel forlorn♪.

I need to check up on Omega Centauri, too.

♪After the ball is over, after the break of dawn, many a heart is broken, many may feel forlorn ♪.

Yepper. There was plenty to do this morning, after the ball. But then I got to thinking, What are the actual words to my Song du Jour?

Hmmm. The lyrics of, After the Ball, are easy to look up. Hmmm. My rendition is not even close. Oh well. The sentiments are approximately the same difference.

Yepper. The sentiments are approximately the same difference. Painfully, I read through the actual lyrics of the entire ballad or song. After the Ball. Good Goddess! How do regular white people think up all this misery? This is the exact same type of misery I have long been subjected too, even as a tiny, defenseless child. Yes. I can easily recall, sitting in an overheated parlor, listening to a similar tale or song of woe, while gazing up at a print of, The End of the Trail. Jeez Louise!

Once I got After the Ball in perspective, I began to reflect on Inauguration Day, recently past. Yes. My morning homage to the naked celestial bodies over, I began to recall all that I had seen on TV yesterday.

Ha! There I was, safe and warm in my trusty Lazy Boy. Boooooooooo! Yep. I booed along with the crowd as Kinglet Bush plus Chitlin and Associates were announced. Yep. Booooooo! Go back to the ROT you jerk! Whoa! No. Don’t come back here. Go to miserable Iraq you asshole.

It’s good that they pre-announce the various activities. Forewarned, I entirely skipped Rev. Rick the Retard. I also skipped most of the poem. I skipped the last half of Aretha finding that style redundant. I skipped almost all the second preacher. But apprised later that he was not quite as retarded as Rev. Rick, I later relented and watched him as a re-run.

I listened to all of President Obama’s speech. Yes. This is the best news I have heard from any president, ever. Not perfect, but the best, ever.

Hey. What about Buddhists? What about all us Pagan Americanos, yearning for a little recognition. Er. Actually, I can’t speak for the Buddhists, or all the pagans, but Druids can live with anonymity, just as President Obama may wish to live without the Druids.


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