Sunday, March 15, 2009

Big Well-Coifed Rick, Mighty Moopoob of the Secesh

Mercy! Here I sit, barely erect. Afflicted by many moons. Afflicted by this or that.

Yet despite the many personal afflictions which also constitute my personal burdens or heavy loads, I am hardly able, as well, to consider Rick Perry, the Mighty Moopoop of the ROT, another tax burden for me to bear. However, when I consider Rick, piecemeal, I realize that I am wasting my time. The only way to consider the Mighty Moopoop is in the context of the secesh. And the secesh, altogether, are a huge burden.

Correct. Even today, a good many years since the Rebs ceased large scale military operations against the US, the war for secession burbles along. These days, most, of the secesh effort focuses not on open warfare, but on passive resistance to US civilization. Mighty Moopoop Rick is one stalwart leader of the secesh resistance.

Consider those slightly to the political right of big Rick. There they are, whining because their ancestors never got compensated for slaves freed during the secession. That’s right. The US government like seized their property. Then the government never paid for that property.

At one time many figured that these people were joking. Turns out, they are serious. They want compensation for great grampa’s freed slaves, the family’s long lost property.

So far, unable to actually receive any compensation for lost property rights, or restore slavery, or secede again, advocates for the Republic of Tejas, led by Big Rick, thwart US civilization at every turn. Which is what the latest Dickensian refusal to accept the bailout money is all about. Correct. The ROT must resist any and all civilizing US initiatives that might trouble the propertied businessmen of the republic.


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