Tuesday, March 17, 2009

American Capitalism, a Sickening Spectacle

Many may now know what the Druids have known for a good while, our precious ruling class is totally out of ideas. Or rather, they are out of fresh ideas that they wish to submit as public policy. Instead, the ruling class is jumping the ship of state. That’s right. The ruling class is taking its bonus and retiring to France. Their only big idea these days is, take the money and run, or swim. Course, one or two of them may get put in the penitentiary. More likely if the money they took, was off other rulers. Less likely if the penitentiaries go belly up.

Many whine about the AIG bonuses. That’s right. Many whine because they know that bonus money is headed for France. Once that money is in France, Senator Grassley, for example, won’t have a shot at getting that money for corn subsidies. If, on the other hand, the AIG execs commit suicide, Senator Grassley may still have a shot at the money.

Mercy! The ROT senators have been strangely silent on the topic of the great capitalist bailout lately. We would expect, that Cornyn in particular, considering his experience and character, might be on a fact-finding mission to France. The other one though, old lady Hutchinson, has decided to stick it out as governor. No new ideas there.

Yes. The Druids are offended by the sickening spectacle of capitalists behaving in the best Dickensian tradition of capitalism. But what must those who have been led to believe that laissez-faire capitalism is the preferred economic system of God, think? How are those ignoramuses adjusting to the sickening spectacle? Oh well. Perhaps they now understand that laissez-faire capitalism is when the rich retire to France.


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