Thursday, June 23, 2011

Keep the Faith

Night before last, these parts finally got a respite from the Hell-like weather that afflicts us. Yes, with temperatures running 20 degrees above “normal” for weeks on end, the WG finally took pity on the faithful that keep hope alive in these parts. But you know, it’s a mixed blessing. True, the CB got a nice rain shower, but so did the evil doers. Yes. The evil doers who are responsible for the terrible dry years still get the benefit of the scanty rain. It’s enough to make Crumby question his faith.

But then Crumby remembers the little, relatively innocent ones. The seedlings that clap their hands for joy. The tiny, cute vermin that gleefully wave their drenched antennae. The varmints that frolic or gambol, then head over to a puddle for a refreshing drink of cool water. Thus and so, Crumby keeps the faith.


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