Goldfaunch is what Crumby calls your goldfinch, both the lesser and Americano. In these parts, lessers are year round residents while the Americanos show up in the cooler seasons.
Lesser goldfaunches interest Crumby because of their many vocalizations. Also, they are cute little birds, the males, especially.
For many moons Crumby has been fixing to get some photos of a lesser or two. However, he can never get close enough even with the Canon 400mm on a 1.6x crop. That's because your lesser is a nervous little bird, easily spooked.
So Crumby figured, I shall commence feeding them. That way I am apt to sneak up closer for picture taking while they are occupied at their feed.
The pet store features goldfaunch socks that are filled with "Nyjer" seed. Whatever that is. Goddess help Crumby, for Nyjer seed probably grows up into an invasive weed. But whatever!
Anyway, the box the Nyjer seed socks come in features an illustration with plenty of faunchers on the sock happily crunching on the tiny Nyjer or thistle seeds. That's what I want to espy, thought Crumby, gullibly swallowing the propaganda or advertising.
Yet the faunchers have eventually turned up at their seed sock. It took a few weeks, but now a couple of them, these juveniles, come most days. However, they are still nervous, flying off if Crumby gets anywhere near the sock. Nasty little ingrates.
Check out the bokeh. Mercy! The bokeh with the 400mm can be purty dang harsh. But never mind that. Check out the background colors. That'w what 50+ days without rain shall and 100 degree temperatures can do ye fer. Yes. The WG has abandoned these parts because the balance of the people are too wicked to deserve any cool, refreshing rain. Mercy!
Lesser goldfaunches interest Crumby because of their many vocalizations. Also, they are cute little birds, the males, especially.
For many moons Crumby has been fixing to get some photos of a lesser or two. However, he can never get close enough even with the Canon 400mm on a 1.6x crop. That's because your lesser is a nervous little bird, easily spooked.
So Crumby figured, I shall commence feeding them. That way I am apt to sneak up closer for picture taking while they are occupied at their feed.
The pet store features goldfaunch socks that are filled with "Nyjer" seed. Whatever that is. Goddess help Crumby, for Nyjer seed probably grows up into an invasive weed. But whatever!
Anyway, the box the Nyjer seed socks come in features an illustration with plenty of faunchers on the sock happily crunching on the tiny Nyjer or thistle seeds. That's what I want to espy, thought Crumby, gullibly swallowing the propaganda or advertising.
Check out the bokeh. Mercy! The bokeh with the 400mm can be purty dang harsh. But never mind that. Check out the background colors. That'w what 50+ days without rain shall and 100 degree temperatures can do ye fer. Yes. The WG has abandoned these parts because the balance of the people are too wicked to deserve any cool, refreshing rain. Mercy!
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