Friday, February 17, 2006

Druid News Service Editorial (Standard English Version)

Jeez Louise! Here we have a hunting accident that accidentally provides a peek into the world of the rich and powerful (ruling class), and all the "liberal" mainstream media can talk about is what decent men the shootee, Molly Ivins on Harry, and the shootee and shooter, David Brooks on Harry and Chitlin, are. Well that's not quite all. A great host of the "liberal" mainstream media agonized much over the timeline respecting Chitlin's fessing up.
Goodness gracious, why did Chitlin' take such a long time to talk to me about his hunting accident.
Yawn. Predicatable. Yawn. Predictable following from the "liberal" mainstream medias portliness and willfull gullibility and elasticity.

But then Joe Biden weighs in respecting Chitlin's long-standing pattern of behavior, and Joe, as usual, can't resist appealing to the American people for judgement. So Joe declares on TV for Goddess Sake,
The American people aren't stupid.

The "liberal" mainstream media and Joe Biden seem to love generalities. Consider Chitlin's decency. All evidence indicates that Chitlin' may be decent in his family life and Chitlin' may very well extend his decency outward to a subset of other similar Chitlin' buddies. Beyond that circle of intimates, Chiltin's decency is questionable and newsworthy. For example, "Mr. Bob-White, do you believe Chitlin' is a decent man." "NO! NO! NO! THREE FIFTIES NO! He's goin' to kill me and eat me. Ye got to hep me. Please, please save me from Chitlin'!"

As to, are the American people stupid?: easy that, maybe, maybe not.


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