Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Lure of the Stars

If ye stay up 24/7 for a good while ye eventually conk out which is what happened to me, Crumby conked out. But I have arisen Phoenix-like from the ashes sort of and found whut; that my bosom companion Ray, has been busy tyin' ladies' swimming suit garments to the trees in the pecan orchard. Why did Ray do that? Go figure!

A good while back, before the ignorant and vulgar exclaimed, The stars, where'd they go?, and alternatively speculated variously on the stars which were quite apparent in those bygone pre-electric days, somebody, I ferget who, built a 20 foot long telescope to look at the stars with. How'd he do that? Go figure!

So what I been doin' is workin' real hard on the subtopic Druid Cosmology which is well-known to be the least fluffed up of all our subtopics despite our heroic efforts towards gettin' a handle on Druid Cosmology. The many spells, indicative of our heroic efforts, may be accesssed by typing in Druid Cosmology, or perhaps, Cosmoology in the Search this Blog box above and then clicking the button, maybe. How do they do that? Go figure!

So what have I learned over the last several nonces pertinent to the Druid Cosmology. Well, there's a supernova about to transpire in the constellation Aries and we're all gonna die. Are these two phenomena related? Maybe, maybe not. Go figure! But also, looking at the stars is lotsa fun cause ye can see stuff ye never saw before, maybe. Plus, ye get to say up all night foolin' around with gizmos. Why would anyone do that? Go figure!


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