Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ray's Thought for the Day - Ray and Olwen Part 2-10

Ray's disguise hat.

It took awhile, but with the original triplet of the retinue, Chitlin , Rumpler and Sleeza, plus Rover, on task, the letting phase preliminary to getting the place cleaned up was making good progress. The retinue, plus Rover, got on the phone with their pals who happened to have dump trucks or cranes and said, we have an unprecedented situation over here at the Castle of Justice so we are cutting through all the red tape. Yes, if you can potentially show up with your dump truck or your crane, or do some paper work that indicates you showed up with the equipment, you will receive a contract. And Rover had a very clever story for his pals when they inquired about how much the contract was worth.

This sucker goes into a car dealership to buy a new car.

And the car salesman says, What kind of a car do you want?

And the sucker says, I want a red car and a I don’t care how much I have to pay for it.

Well pal, I’m that sucker. Let’s go play golf.

So pretty soon thousands or maybe millions of minions and a big contractor or two descended on the Castle of Justice with dump trucks, cranes, bull dozers, directional drilling equipment, fumigators and the like and progress was good considering how unprecedented was the disaster. The unanswered question on everyone’s mind though was “Where’s Upyeraholes, Chief Justice?” Days passed even in addition to those that had already passed and then the days passed and there was more progress, but nothing conclusive, and nothing conclusive pertaining to the question that was on everyone’s mind formerly, days past.

Ray and Olwen, both cleverly disguised, hat, scarf and sunglasses, dropped by the Castle of Justice, to check up on all the progress. Ray had disguised the Crown Vic too, and the Crown Vic looked just like a red 57 Chevy Bel Air when they cruised the Castle of Justice so there was no likelihood of the true identities of Ray, Olwen, Crown Vic, being revealed. But alas, even the keenly interested Ray and Olwen could ascertain no more than anyone else could.

Anon, you guessed it, Ray and Olwen were enjoying sexual intercourse, gynecandrous-ly, in the back seat of the apparent 57 Chevy Bel Air. Olwen, in the throes of her passion, chanced to look up and out the rear view window. Olwen was also keeping track of any birds that flew over the car. “Oh my Goddess, oh my Goddess, oh my Goddess, oh my Goddess, oh my Goddess, Coragyps atratus, Oh my Goddess. Umh, Ray yer so sweet. Ray, do ye remember those Druids you were tellin’ me about the other day. The ones ye may have habitated with in a past iteration or at some other time and place perchance. Do ye recall that, sugar?”......... Ray.......... Wake up sugar.”

Er, Druids, yepper. Snark. Whut?

Are those the same kind of Druids that do transmigrations?


Did you learn how to do transmigrations, sugar?


If I really, really, really, really wanted you to, could you do a transmigration?


Why not?

I fergot how.


It was a long time ago, Olwen darlin’, er some other iteration er time er place. And I caint remember. A feller caint be expected to remember ever’ little thang. Besides, a presumptive ray like me, don’t require all those Druid tricks.

So, ye are a presumptive ray these days now Ray. Then perhaps ye may as well penetrate the stygian darkness of the castle innards down on B-665 and shed some light on the present disposition of daddy, Ray. And get off me. Yer too hot.

All righty then. But I’m tellin’ ye Olwen darlin’, sweet thang, I fergot. Then too, I may not be of sufficient magnitude to penetrate fully the stygian darkness until a little more progress has been made by all the equipment.

Hmmm. Ray. You mentioned a Crumby once. Is Crumby a Druid?


Can Crumby do transmigrations?




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